Fantasy Galaxy Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 4

The Ponce Space Port was built by the Anubis tribe. This Gorgona star system originally belonged to the Anubis tribe. The Anubis tribe was the same dog-human race as Sario the Kushis, but if the Kushi were Shiba Inus, the Anubis were Dobermans. The Anubis tribe was a Level C civilization that once ruled over 300 stars. However, they went extinct after opposing the Celestials.
When I heard that, I wondered if they had a death wish. The Celestials was an overwhelmingly powerful existence. For a Level C civilization to oppose the Celestials, despite ruling over 300 stars, … Read the rest

Fantasy Galaxy Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 3

The mobile armor issued to us seemed to be modified training gear originally manufactured by the Goblins. Authentic mobile armors could enhance the user’s power at least eight-fold and came equipped with thruster packs on the back for moving in zero-gravity environments. These packs, about the size of a small backpack, could continuously fire gas for around 20 minutes.
“Alright, let’s suit up.”
First, I wore the ‘bio-suit’, a skin-tight suit that compressed the body to prevent expansion in a zero-pressure environment.
Following Sario’s guidance, I then donned the mobile armor. Its size could be finely … Read the rest

Fantasy Galaxy Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 2

“Who is holding that controller?”
“The captain has it.”
The one called the captain, Valvo, is apparently the commander of the mobile reconnaissance squad.
“Right, let’s go to the training room.”
Sario led me to the training room in the zero-gravity section. I thought there would be training machines lined up since it was called a training room, but it was just a long corridor. There were obstacles like poles and rings in this corridor.
“What a strange corridor.”
“The training involves going back and forth through the corridor while avoiding the obstacles.”
 … Read the rest

Fantasy Galaxy Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 1

  1. Survival in Space

As I looked up at the night sky, the Milky Way shone brilliantly – a sight impossible to see in the city. At 55 years old, having recently retired from my office job, I had begun living a leisurely life of my own choosing. I had come to this campground alone, located in Yamanashi Prefecture.

“Solitary under the vast heavens.”

I was born in Kansai, but at 12 years old, I moved to Kanto with my parents. In university, I studied international politics and chose the path of becoming a public servant. Now I live alone, never … Read the rest

Fantasy Galaxy Light Novel Illustrations


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Leaves fell in autumn. Snow blanketed in winter. Flowers bloomed in spring. The summer brought warmth. Laughter echoed in parks. Love filled hearts. Dreams soared high.

The cat sat on the mat. It purred softly. Outside, birds chirped. Sunlight streamed through the window. The clock ticked steadily. Time passed quietly. The world carried on. People bustled about. Cars zoomed on the streets. Life continued its dance. Seasons changed.sChallenges were faced. Lessons were learned. Memories created. And amidst it all, a simple truth remained: life is a beautiful … Read the rest

Fantasy Galaxy ~Why Are There Goblins and Orcs in Space??~ (Light Novel)

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This page tracks our English translation on the Light Novel edition of カファンタジー銀河 ~何で宇宙にゴブリンやオークが居るんだ~/ Fantasy Galaxy ~Why Are There Goblins and Orcs in Space??~

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