Indecent Conversations and the Manly Man Within
Just the other day, there was a burglary. Though, the crime scene wasn’t at my inn.
On a snowy night with little foot traffic, a grain store’s warehouse was targeted – a rather common crime.
However, the culprit seemed inexperienced or flustered, making enough noise during the act for it to be discovered. Even though it was night, the bright snow would reveal their figure, their footprints clearly marking their escape path.
In the end, the culprit couldn’t get away by morning, getting cornered in an alley. This gave us guild members something to talk about from the start of the day.
“Geez, so what was that guy’s motive? I heard he spent too much at the red-light district and ran outta cash? What an idiot to keep going there broke.”
At the guild’s tavern today, the party ratio was a bit skewed.
Members of the major parties “Earth’s Shield” and “Artemis” were largely absent, while around 15 members of “Sword of Harvest” had gathered.
With such a large group, they monopolized the tavern’s central space, naturally becoming the droning conversation’s focus.
Normally this party lacks cohesion and doesn’t really act as a unit, but when they gather like this, it’s quite a spectacle.
“But Chuck, doesn’t your leader also visit those kinds of places often?”
“Ah, I’m fine since I earn enough! I’m just saying it’s unbelievable for a broke guy to still go to those places!”
“I see, I guess that’s true…”
“As long as you earn, you can go wherever – even a cheap whorehouse or a fancy place with pretty girls. The question is why a broke guy would splurge there.”
The conversation centered on that young redhead, Chuck,
known for his coarse guild member persona full of vulgar quips and a penchant for fights. If you averaged out people’s image of guild members, he might just represent it – making him the quintessential guild member in a way.
The kind of guy a black-haired, black-clothed reincarnated protagonist would get entangled with upon joining the adventurer’s guild.
However, his swordsmanship is a solid Silver 2 rank, and if you listen closely past his rough speech, he’s actually quite sensible – another quintessential aspect.
“That’s right, you’re getting the hang of it too. I’ll introduce you to a good place next time. There’s a decent spot with fair prices!”
Yet despite this gap moe potential, he’s somehow unpopular with women. Probably due to his usual crassness.
“Those guys are talking about the red-light district again.”
“That’s how men are, Raina.”
Over at our table were Raina and Ulrika. Not too far from the others’. Chuck, you can’t start indecent conversations within earshot like that…
At least not within the guild tavern when the receptionists are targets…
“Ah, Mongrel check this out. No, checkmate? I win, ehehe.”
“…You two are good at board games, huh?”
“Well, I think Mongrel’s just bad at it.”
Moonboat – a board game born and developed in this world.
Judging by the dark and light wooden pieces battling on the board, it may be similar to the backgammon of my previous world. But I don’t know backgammon’s rules or if this game even resembles it.
All I know is that Ulrika has now beaten me three times in a row, despite just learning the rules alongside me moments ago.
I can accept Raina being good, but how is Ulrika too? This doesn’t make sense.
Why is she glaring at me resentfully now?
“What’s wrong, Chuck? I’m the one getting crushed over here.”
“Who’s losing? Look at all these guys! Your table’s the real winner!”
No, we’re just huddled together because you guys are hogging the middle…
I wanted to make excuses, but Chuck and the other men were giving me similar resentful looks, so I kept quiet.
Well, I can’t blame them, can I?
It’s Raina and Ulrika over here. They’re beauties, after all.
But to me, Raina’s still a child, and Ulrika is…well, a guy, so…
…Though I know better than to say that out loud. A man’s jealousy, the uglier it is, the quicker it explodes…
“Damn…Must be nice being Mongrel. As a solo, you can easily join other parties if needed. Light and free…Meanwhile we’ve got no women at all, yet our numbers make it hard to mingle freely with others.”
“Um, about our vice-leader, Chuck…”
“Don’t even call that a woman! A woman’s supposed to be graceful, y’know? Devoted to men, giving service and all that?”
There he goes again, needlessly antagonizing women! Seriously, that’s just like you!
“–No, that’s wrong…Chuck.”
Then, a gruff, deep male voice rang out, briefly silencing the guild.
The voice belonged to the hulking man who had been stoically silent until now – “Sword of Harvest’s” leader, the Gold 2-ranked Dick Vault.
“–A woman is never merely an existence meant for devotion and service–“
“…Well, I guess the boss has a point, but…”
Over two meters ten in height, his great scimitar looked small on his back.
The overwhelming aura of strength he exuded was enough to make even the usually unruly Chuck shrink back.
“…Mongrel, who is that guy…?”
“Ah, that’s the leader of Sword of Harvest. Dick Vault…An absurdly strong man.”
“Wow…so he’s…”
As the leader, Dick Vault rarely shows up at the guild.
That’s because he constantly takes on high-difficulty extermination quests with members on par with his strength. You could say they’re the most diligent group in the relatively casual “Sword of Harvest” party. It’s understandable that the relatively new Raina hasn’t had a chance to meet him before – this is just how winters go.
“He looks so sturdy and super serious…”
“Well…about that…”
“We’ll see…”
Ulrika and I, aware of the details, hesitated to respond.
Well, him being serious is certainly true, but…
“–Rather, there are times when we men must serve women…Times to kneel, to moan, to lick…No, we should have the honor of being allowed to lick–“
“…What is he talking about?”
“Raina, it’s fine. You don’t need to worry about it yet. You’re a good girl.”
“Well, I kinda get it, but…”
Dick Vault continued speaking with a serious expression, arms crossed, his stern voice leaving no room for jokes.
“–Our service and devotion as men is something that can only be practiced at establishments of a certain caliber…The man caught last night may have simply been a pitiful servant who took his passionate pursuit too far in the wrong direction…”
This shitty serious man, spouting lewd nonsense – Dick Vault.
One reason he rarely shows up is because he spends most of his days utilizing brothels.
He takes long-distance extermination quests, staying at brothels in towns along the way. Hopping from brothel to brothel. Even when he returns to town, he spends most of his time at them – an outrageous lecher.
While he certainly earns enough, imagining that massive income all vanishing into the red-light district is staggering.
Honestly, I never encountered such a character in my previous world. Having gone this far, as a fellow man, I have to respect him.
“Well…I can kinda understand…?”
“Kinda can’t though…?”
“Yeah, as expected…of Dick Vault…?”
Perhaps sharing a sense of reverence, the “Sword of Harvest” members tried to play along.
He is admired, to be sure. It’s just that his thoughts always turn lewd, making him rather…unique.
“He seems kinda…creepy…”
“Raina, don’t say that!”
Not good, Raina.
Sure, Dick Vault may be the kind of man Legol’s courtesans call “creepy for the fetishes displayed in his requested acts,” but you can’t insult him within earshot.
“–Raina of Artemis, was it? I cannot accept such slander–“
“Eh, ah…my apologies…”
“–Your curses are not something I can simply receive for free–…One must not devalue rewards too much, you see?”
“…Mongrel, this guy really is creepy! I’ve got goosebumps! Goosebumps!”
“There there, is he scary Raina? Well, he is a bit, I guess. But he’s just a little creepy, still a good person, so get used to him little by little.”
“Sorry about that…Didn’t mean for our boss to scare you…”
Dick Vault isn’t actually a bad person.
They say he’s shielded allies countless times during battles against the Harvest Mantis while taking attacks himself. His attitude towards quests is also impeccable.
He’s just…honest about his lower bodily urges, with unsettling remarks. A creepy yet cool old guy.
“…Still creepy though.”
Ulrika, you shouldn’t make that face and say that either.
Though it seems Dick Vault is pleased to be insulted…? I don’t understand his mentality at all.
“–That’s also fine…”
No, he seems okay with it. Whew, that’s a relief.
…Winter does mean spending more time with people you’re not quite comfortable with, Raina. You’ll just have to get used to it…
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