“Hey you there. I’m the king who came from Faloon, but could you lend me some money that I’ll pay back later?”
…Who would believe such a story? Even a con man would probably say something more skillful. No, I do intend to pay it back.
Anyway, since Faloon is an enemy nation of Vulcan, if I approached someone like that, I can only see a future where I’m surrounded by soldiers.
Realizing the desperate situation, I dropped my shoulders and walked down the street, when the scent of what seemed to be yakiniku wafted from shops here and there.
The savory aroma of grilled meat mixed with the sweet scent of the sauce’s unique flavor, whetting my appetite.
(Maybe I should just eat and run without paying?)
For a moment, that thought crossed my mind. Since it’s an enemy nation anyway, it wouldn’t be a problem to do something a little bad. Rather, it would deal minor economic damage to Dorsen while filling my belly with yakiniku, so it’s all benefits. I’m confident in my feet, so I could get away.
I simulated it in my head. In times like these, it’s an iron rule to assume the worst scenario.
I eat the yakiniku, and escape nonchalantly. The Dorsen people surround me on all sides, but I boldly blow them away, carving a bloody path. Fearing my momentum, no one can lay a hand on me.
However, someone notices. “Isn’t that the Faloon King Mars?” they say.
Because if they’ve been to the Faloon arena, it wouldn’t be strange for them to know my face.
Then the shop attendant would shout:
“Dine and dash! That’s Faloon’s King Mars! The king himself tried to run without paying!”
…No, I can’t dine and dash. It could give the enemy I may have to fight an opening.
If I got taunted on the battlefield as the “Dine and Dash King of Faloon” or something, it wouldn’t be good. My ally’s morale would plummet to the depths.
I guess I have no choice but to procure money.
Of the things I’m wearing that I could pawn, there’s only the ring that inflicts poison and the gravity arm ring, but who would buy such cursed items?
There might be demand for them as assassination tools, but I was hesitant about people dying from items I wore.
Even if I could sell them, if word got out that I sold them, Flow and Cassandra would kill me.
…Why don’t I, the king, have any decent precious metals on me?
I think ordinary citizens probably have more valuables.
What is a king, really?
As I trudged along pondering the value of being a king, I suddenly felt eyes on me.
Not murderous intent, but a strong gaze. Multiple ones, too.
Could it be my true identity was exposed to the people of Vulcan?
I tried to come in plain clothes, and the only things I’m wearing are cursed accessories.
I’m carrying a sword, but I might not even be seen as a noble, let alone a king. How did they know? Did I show my face too much at the arena?
I didn’t want any trouble in a crowded area, so I entered a side alley. I quickened my pace to a more open spot ahead. Every country has its desolate places.
Eventually, I could no longer see any passersby.
“This area, maybe?”
When I turned around, there were seven young men there.
They looked to be around 20 years old or so. They all had swords on them.
“We perceive you to be King Mars of Faloon, is that correct?”
The silver-haired youth asked sternly. He had two swords on his back like Sheila. With the same silver hair, he might be a relative of hers.
However, from this situation, it’s more natural to think they’re Vulcan knights who came to capture me.
“I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else. ”
No one would be foolish enough to answer “Yes, that’s me” here.
“Then did you come here as Zeros?”
“…Why would you think that?”
“We saw you at the Faloon arena, battling as Zeros against the Hundred’s rankers.”
So they had seen my face at the arena after all. Was taking off my helmet and exposing my face to the audience a mistake? But if I didn’t, there were quite a few people who thought Mars and Zeros were different people.
It’s complicated, so I wish they’d unify it as Mars, but in the public eye, my open face is the Faloon King Mars, while my disguised face is the leader of the Hundred, Zeros.
Appearance-wise, when my face is exposed I’m Mars, and when I’m in the black armor I’m Zeros.
I did use them separately before becoming king, but now that everyone knows both my faces, I don’t think there’s much meaning in it. What kind of disguised face do you expose in public, anyway?
—But what should I do?
These seven youths are skilled. They haven’t taken stances yet, but they have no openings even naturally. Their physiques are solid too, clearly well-trained.
It’s rare to find people who seem this capable besides the Hundred members.
(I really don’t want to get hurt)
I channeled magic power into the magic crest engraved on my body. It’s a convenient ability that can instantly teleport armor to me. However, it’s an item that experiments on me found to be excruciatingly painful to engrave, so its use on humans was called off. …I wish kings wouldn’t do experiments like that.
When the crest activated, my body was enveloped in white light, and in an instant I was clad in black armor.
With this, I don’t have to worry about injuries. If I draw my favored black sword, I’ll be fully prepared.
“Oh, so you did come as Zeros!”
For some reason, the youths seemed excited to see me in armor.
What’s going on?
“Zeros! We have been awaiting your arrival!”
The silver-haired youth was trembling with elation.
“Who are you people?”
These people scare me. They were raring to fight, but that momentum is gone now.
“Yes! We are members of the Hundred – Vulcan Branch!”
…The Hundred’s Vulcan Branch?
“What is that supposed to be?”
“We understand. The rules of the Hundred are absolute. The headquarters in Faloon had to publicize it when they took over the country, but we have been strictly observing them all this time. Therefore, the headquarters in Faloon is unaware of our branch’s existence. The scattered Hundred branches in other regions are likely the same. That is how absolute the rules are.”
The youths began reciting in unison:
“Rule 1. You must not speak of the Hundred.”
“Rule 2. You absolutely must not speak of the Hundred.”
“Rule 3. You must not consume anything other than monster raw meat.”
“Rule 4. Strength is everything.”
“Rule 5. Those who join the Hundred must always fight.”
“Rule 6. Duels must always be one-on-one.”
“Rule 7. Rule 6 does not apply to the great leader Zeros.”
The youths chanted rules I vaguely recalled with resolute expressions, as if reciting a sacred scripture. The content is appallingly stupid, though.
And I’m the only one exempt from Rule 6? That’s way too unfair.
Now that I think about it, a long time ago after I joined the Hundred, Ogma and the others arbitrarily made up rules like that. Rules 1 and 2 have become mere formalities now.
And some of the original Hundred members said something like “We’re going on a journey to spread these wonderful teachings!” and went off somewhere. I had completely forgotten about their existence.
So those idiots actually succeeded in spreading the Hundred to other countries.
Why would they create such a stupid organization in other nations too? I can’t believe it. I wish they’d consider inconveniencing others a little.
There are many things I want to say, but the youths were gazing at me with sparkling eyes.
“So what business do you have with me?”
Since they see me as a great being, I asked with as much dignity as I could muster.
“Yes! At last, the time has come for Vulcan to be led by the great leader Zeros as well, and we tremble with joy!”
Led how? This is an enemy nation, you know? Tremble with joy all you want, but don’t drag me into it.
I don’t want to deal with troublesome matters, so I need to make reality clear to them.
“Faloon is far from Vulcan. The time is not yet ripe.”
I said something that sounded about right for the time being.
“We understand, the time is not yet ripe. However, did not Zeros come to Vulcan to prepare for that time?”
I just came here to eat some yakiniku.
“Are you not people of Vulcan? Why would you try to side with Faloon? Are you trying to betray your country?”
I wish they’d feel a twinge of conscience.
The same thing happened in Faloon long ago, but why do these people so easily try to betray their countries? Work more diligently for your nation. As a fellow king, I feel sorry for Vulcan’s ruler.
“Ah, I see. You are testing whether we truly understand the ideals of the Hundred.”
The ideals of the Hundred? What are those?
“Certainly, Zeros’ open identity is King Mars of Faloon. However, that is merely a temporary guise.”
…Please don’t arbitrarily decide that my main job is just a temporary guise.
“King Mars’ true identity is Zeros! In other words, we understand that your true aim is world conquest through the Hundred!”
The blond youth next to the silver-haired one raised his voice proudly.
My head is spinning. Am I the leader of an evil organization or something?
“Truly Zeros is a fearsome being. You must consider rule by nations to be a thing of the past? Faloon’s invasion of other countries is merely the opening act, the true objective being world conquest through the Hundred’s teachings, something no one would ever realize. Those with antiquated minds could never comprehend it.”
No, I can’t comprehend either. It seems the world is about to be destroyed.
“At first, we too suffered. Whether to choose Vulcan or Faloon.”
Choose Vulcan then. That’s your own country, right?
“However, such things were trivial. When we heard stories of the Hundred’s elites defeating large armies, we were overjoyed. This is the path we aim for! Strength is everything! We didn’t care about countries! The Hundred is our place!”
The blue-haired youth clenched his fist and argued forcefully.
The idea of not caring about one’s country is terrifying. Are they terrorists?
But I’m starting to understand their story. Probably these guys are younger sons of nobles without a place in their families. So they harbor resentment against the country and consider dangerous ideas.
Ogma was like that originally too.
So what should I do? Honestly, since it’s another country’s matter, I don’t really care.
“Zeros, we have a request!”
The youths all knelt down together.
“Please give us the honor of fighting you! Just once, we want to experience your power firsthand!”
If that’ll satisfy them, fine. I forgot to bring money anyway, so I have nothing else to do.
“Very well. I’ll take you on. Come at me.”
I drew my black sword. I want to finish this quickly.
“We apologize, Zeros. But since it would attract attention here, please allow us to guide you to the place where we normally train…”
They’re being sensible, these guys, for having it somewhere out of public view.
TLNOTE: While waiting for the next chapter , I implore you dear readers to read other masterpiece novels that also written by the same author :
- Who killed the Hero?
- The Suspects of Necromancy
- The Wicked Princess and 12 Eyes – The Strongest Squires and the Legendary Evil Woman, the Second Time in Her Life
- The Exiled Merchant Saves the World with the Power of Gold (translated by my friend meerkat)
Volume 3 English translation is already finished btw…
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It’s really gone into “fight club” direction.