“Curse it! Second Cavalry Unit, use the Great Whirlpool Formation. Subdue and kill that fiend with the Great Whirlpool!”
General Günes ordered a hundred cavalrymen.
The cavalry formed a neat two-column formation, spears held high. They resembled a great serpent born on the battlefield.
The great serpent created by the second cavalry unit seemed to aim straight at Garios, but their path shifted slightly to the right. Their target was the connection between Garios and the surrounding giant soldiers.
The two-column cavalry lowered their spears. The right column pointed fifty spears to the right, and the left column pointed fifty spears to the left. The group of cavalry that looked like a serpent instantly transformed into a centipede with a hundred legs.
The great centipede inserted its body between Garios and his subordinates.
The leading cavalryman drew a large arc to the left. The outer right column swept through the Demon King’s troops with fifty spears, while the left column aimed fifty spears at Garios.
The leading cavalryman continued to turn left until they completed a circle.
The circle tightened, creating a whirlpool of blades on the battlefield.
“Behold! This is the pride of the Royal Guard, the Great Whirlpool Formation!”
General Günes shouted triumphantly.
Elisabeth was impressed. It was indeed something to be proud of. From serpent to centipede, from centipede to whirlpool. It was a magnificent formation transformation.
The outer blades kept the hundred giant soldiers led by Garios at bay. In the center of the whirlpool, Garios was surrounded by fifty blades, unable to move.
The whirlpool on the battlefield began to close in on Garios, slicing him with fifty blades, attempting to engulf him.
“Did we get him!”
General Günes cheered. But at that moment, a massive club was raised in the center of the consuming whirlpool.
In the center of the blades, the fiend Garios, his body cut all over, his eyes glowing red, swung his massive club.
Despite being cut by fifty spears, Garios ignored the pain and swung his club with all his might.
The strike blew away the charging cavalry, horses and all.
To Elisabeth’s eyes, it seemed like a few soldiers were blown away, but it was different. Garios, swinging his club, spun his entire body, countering the whirlpool’s direction.
One, two, three, four soldiers on horseback were entangled by Garios’ massive club. The following cavalry collided with the bodies of soldiers struck by the club.
The charging cavalry continued to collide, but Garios’ club did not retreat. Instead, he pushed his body and the club forward, swinging it.
General Günes turned pale.
In the center of the battlefield, Garios, his eyes glowing red, roared with his mouth wide open.
It was a roar like a dragon’s. Garios’ body swelled visibly, his muscles expanding.
With a second roar, he swung his club. Dozens of cavalrymen entangled with the club were flung away like leaves, and Garios’ spinning body countered the whirlpool, crushing the cavalry.
Finally, the club reached the tail of the whirlpool, and the Great Whirlpool created by a hundred elite guards was undone by a single demon and a single club.
“No way! How can this be happening!”
General Günes gritted his teeth.
A single demon had defeated a hundred trained soldiers and their proud tactics.
“General Günes, the war is not over yet. Give the next command.”
Elisabeth spoke to the stunned General Günes.
“Y-yes. Third Cavalry Unit, are you ready?”
General Günes quickly gave the next order. The third cavalry unit nodded at the general’s command and set out.
The cavalry formed a two-column formation again.
It seemed like they were preparing for another Great Whirlpool Formation, but the two leading cavalrymen split left and right as they approached Garios, a black chain stretched between them.
The chain pulled by two horses attacked Garios.
Normally, when a chain pulled by the momentum of the horses hit, it would cause the target to fall. But Garios was different. When the chain hit, it caught like on a great tree, causing the horses to fall instead.
Garios grabbed the chain, but couldn’t shake it off. The chain was tied around the horses’ bellies, which had fallen with the soldiers. Then a second and third chain were added.
Despite his massive weight, the cavalrymen fell one by one, but the chains wound around Garios’ body.
“Now, throw your spears!”
After dozens of chains wrapped around Garios, the remaining third cavalry unit threw their spears simultaneously.
Several spears rained down on Garios, piercing his arms, shoulders, and the gaps in his armor.
Garios, hit by more than ten spears, slowly fell forward.
General Günes cheered as Garios’ mountainous body began to fall.
But Garios’ body, which seemed to have fallen, stopped in a crouched position.
Garios’ hunched body trembled. It was like the rumblings of a volcano about to erupt.
“Not good, throw the spears, throw the spears!”
General Günes ordered. The soldiers in the rear felt the same as the general and began throwing their spears. But just after the spears were thrown, Garios’ trembling body suddenly stopped.
It was the calm before the storm, a moment of stillness before the eruption.
Garios quickly straightened up and spread his chained arms wide.
Garios tore through the thick chains wrapped around him as if they were mere threads, sending fragments flying around him.
The chain fragments deflected incoming spears and rained down like molten steel on the elite guard.
Freed from his shackles, Garios drove his club into the ground, bent down, and picked up the four chains that had been entangling him. He pulled on them with all his might.
Horses were tied to the other ends of the chains, but Garios swung them around, using his immense strength to whirl the horses overhead.
Four horses were lifted into the air, flailing around like a tornado.
Garios used the horses as improvised flails, smashing the cavalry of the third battalion.
No one could withstand the onslaught, and the third cavalry battalion was annihilated.
“What is that demon!? It’s like a natural disaster!”
General Günes’ words were accurate. A whirlpool, a volcano, a tornado—Garios’ fury was akin to a rampaging natural disaster.
“General Günes!”
Three soldiers approached the despairing General Günes.
“Order us to eliminate Garios!”
The soldiers were wrapped in cloth over their armor, with explosive magic stones visible between the folds.
A suicide squad. Their plan was to get close and detonate themselves to kill Garios.
“You… Fine, go. Go and do it.”
General Günes gave the order to the soldiers who had resolved to die.
Elisabeth stood before the three soldiers.
“As a saint of the church, I cannot endorse suicide. But I pray for your success.”
Elisabeth formed the sign of the holy symbol with her fingers in front of her chest, blessing the three soldiers.
“Yes, we will dedicate our victory to the queen.”
The three soldiers knelt before Elisabeth, then rose, mounted their horses, and returned to their unit.
The fourth cavalry battalion, with the three soldiers at its core, launched their attack.
But against Garios, a moving disaster, the fourth cavalry battalion was quickly defeated, leaving only corpses in their wake.
Yet the three soldiers, carrying explosive magic stones, climbed over the bodies of their comrades and leaped onto Garios, clinging to his large limbs.
A flash of light followed, and the soldiers’ bodies exploded, engulfing Garios.
Everyone held their breath at the explosion on the battlefield.
But emerging from the smoke was Garios, his massive body singed but largely unscathed.
It was overwhelming. Against such immense power, numbers, tactics, skills, coordination, and even the soldiers’ resolve were all meaningless.
Is it hopeless…?
Elisabeth closed her eyes, mourning the fallen soldiers.
When she opened her eyes, she looked to the left flank of the battlefield.
There, Romelia in her white armor was commanding her troops. She had gathered two hundred infantry and two hundred cavalry as reserves, likely to save Elisabeth and the others if needed.
Despite the efforts of the elite guard and General Günes, Romelia’s strength was necessary.
Against Garios, numbers and tactics were pointless. What was needed was equally powerful individual strength.
Romelia and the soldiers she had trained were indispensable.
“General Günes.”
Elisabeth looked at the frustrated General Günes.
Even if it meant losing the general’s trust, she had to call for Romelia under her authority as queen. She couldn’t let all the elite guard soldiers die to a single demon.
Just as she was about to call for Romelia and her unit, a sharp sound from above drew her attention.
“Arrows, take cover!”
The soldiers protecting Elisabeth raised their shields to defend against the arrow. But it was just one arrow, landing far in front of their main camp.
“A whistling arrow?”
Elisabeth looked at the arrow stuck in the ground.
A whistling arrow, which made a sound when shot, was often used for military communication.
But this arrow hadn’t come from the demon king’s army in front of them. It was fired from a winged dragon circling above.
Elisabeth spotted the winged dragon that had fired the arrow, recognizing the particularly large one Garios had ridden. On its back was a small demon in white clothes, in addition to its rider.
“…! General Günes, Garios is coming. We need Romelia here!”
Realizing the meaning of the whistling arrow, Elisabeth ordered General Günes.
Looking to the left flank, Romelia had also noticed the whistling arrow. She was moving towards them with two hundred infantry she had placed on the right as reserves. But before Romelia’s unit could move, Garios shouted loudly.
“Alright! The charge order is given! That’s the main camp! I’m coming, just wait there!”
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