“Understood. See you later, Romelia,”
Elisabeth said, parting with Romelia and moving with General Günes to the front of the forest.
“Oh, Queen Elisabeth, General Günes, I’m glad we could meet,”
As Elisabeth and the others move to the front of the forest Commander Ledre, leading a thousand heavy infantry, rushing over with Vice-Commander Burns by his side.
“Ledre, you managed to break through the fire.”
“Yes, when the Romelia Knights said they would cross the wildfire, we couldn’t afford to fall behind. But Sloane, Ruibo, and Fred’s units are still engaged with the enemy and will take another half day to arrive,”
Commander Ledre reported proudly, praised by General Günes.
“We just crossed the fire, but as you can see, the Demon King’s army has come from the sky. Prepare for battle immediately. Form up!”
General Günes held an impromptu war council, using this location as the headquarters.
Elisabeth attended the council, surrounded by General Günes, Commander Koster and Vice-Commander Sergei leading the cavalry units, and Commander Ledre and Vice-Commander Burns leading the heavy infantry who had just joined.
Around them, ten elite guards protected the headquarters, seven trumpeters were ready to signal charges or retreats, and two flag bearers stood by. Additionally, twenty healers were currently attending to Romelia’s unit and would return after completing the initial treatments.
“First, we’ll place the headquarters here. As for the formation…”
General Günes began, but Elisabeth interrupted the information Romelia gave her.
“General Günes, wait. It has just been confirmed—the enemy this time is Garios.”
The mention of the name made General Günes and the others tense.
Many of the guards had experienced the fierce battle on the Dakan Plains and knew the strength of Garios, the Demon King’s brother.
“Well then, we are not lacking for a challenge. Ledre, you take six hundred heavy infantry and secure the right wing. Burns, you support the center with four hundred heavy infantry,”
General Günes ordered, rallying his forces.
“I’ve already sent a messenger to have the Romelia Knights cover the left wing. Now, for the rest…”
General Günes looked at Commander Koster and Vice-Commander Sergei.
“Sergei, take four hundred cavalry and support the center with Burns. Koster, you and six hundred cavalry will stay in reserve. Depending on the situation, you may reinforce the right or left wing. But remember your main objective.”
General Günes met Commander Koster’s eyes to confirm.
“Yes, to take down Garios.”
“Correct. Defeat Garios and showcase the might of the Lionel Kingdom’s Royal Guard to the continent!”
With General Günes’s command, the commanders and vice-commanders raised their voices and began forming their lines.
Elisabeth watched as the Demon King’s army began descending one after another, riding wyverns.
Dragons with enormous wings landed, and a thousand demons in red-bronze armor disembarked. Their armor matched those who had fought Romelia earlier, likely the same unit, now seeking vengeance for their fallen comrades.
The wyverns rested their wings without taking off, while the red-bronze-armored demons formed their ranks.
The Demon King’s army’s formation was a typical horizontal line: four hundred in the center, three hundred on each side, all infantry with no cavalry or archers.
However, about three hundred wyverns were still circling high in the sky, not landing for some reason.
“General Günes, the formation is complete,”
a soldier reported, running to the headquarters.
Elisabeth saw that the Romelia Knights on the left wing had also formed a horizontal line with six hundred infantry, keeping two hundred infantry in reserve on the right and two hundred cavalry in reserve on the far left.
Their formation was almost complete. Attacking before the Demon King’s army finished descending could give them an advantageous start.
General Günes seemed to think the same, as he called Vice-Commander Sergei to initiate a preemptive strike before the enemy was fully prepared.
But then, one particularly large wyvern broke away from the circling group and began a steep dive, almost crashing into the ground before pulling up and ascending sharply, dropping a huge figure from its back.
It was the body of a huge demon tribe, so large that it could be seen from a distance.
The large demon that jumped from the wyvern landed with a tremendous impact that resonated even at the distant headquarters, shaking Elisabeth’s heart.
Elisabeth muttered, watching the demon who had leapt from the wyvern.
With a massive club on his shoulder, his towering figure was as imposing as the legends had described.
The Royal Guard, pride of the kingdom, quivered at Garios’s earth-shaking arrival.
The other wyverns also began descending rapidly, dropping their demon passengers who landed heavily and started organizing their formation.
The demons that dared to jump from the backs of the wyverns were all huge in size. They were probably the Titan soldiers under the command of Garios.
They are a group of soldiers who are the biggest among the demon tribe, and they are the ones who wreak havoc together with Garios.
In the blink of an eye, three hundred Titans descend, and General Günes’ face contorts as he abandons his preemptive attack.
“Do they not injure themselves landing like that?”
Elisabeth wondered aloud, questioning the reason behind such a reckless tactic.
It was an act that would have resulted in the unnecessary injury of a soldier. Or was there a reason why they had to jump down?
As she looked up, the wyverns that had dropped the giant soldiers were circling in the sky.
Meanwhile, the wyverns that had landed the thousand red-bronze-armored demons were resting behind the Demon King’s army. Why not have them all land or keep them airborne? Elisabeth pondered, but soon the three hundred giant soldiers formed their ranks, with Garios at the forefront holding a massive club.
A hundred giants stood behind Garios, another hundred moved to the rear as reserves, and the remaining hundred spread across the battlefield in a thin horizontal line.
Because they are spread across the entire battlefield, It wasn’t much of a formation, more like evenly distributing the forces.
“Ha, it seems the Demon King’s army lacks decent commanders. Do they really think such a formation can stand against our Royal Guard? Raise the flag of the Royal Guard. Let the Demon King’s army see our crimson lion!”
General Günes commanded, and a giant crimson flag was hoisted beside the headquarters, a golden lion embroidered in the center, roaring towards the sky.
With the flag raised, all the Royal Guard soldiers on the battlefield let out a cheer.
The lion was the crest of the Lionel Kingdom. The crimson flag with the lion was a symbol allowed only for the Royal Guard, their pride.
“All troops, advance!”
General Günes ordered, waiting until the soldiers’ morale was at its peak. The trumpeters in the headquarters sounded their horns, signaling the advance.
Listening to the vigorous sounds, the entire army began to advance.
Thus, the Battle of Semed Wilderness commenced.
“Captain Koster! First Cavalry Unit, prepare to charge! Second to Sixth Units, get ready to move at any time!”
General Günes shouted out his orders.
Since the Demon King’s army had descended from wyverns, they had no cavalry. General Günes divided the six hundred cavalry under Captain Koster into six groups to launch wave attacks against the Demon King’s army.
“First Cavalry Unit, charge!”
General Günes commanded the cavalry to charge. Meanwhile, the Demon King’s army, consisting only of infantry, did not adopt a defensive formation with shields as expected.
Shockingly, they launched an infantry charge led by their commander, Garios.
“What! Are the Demon King’s troops idiots!”
General Günes couldn’t help but shout at the enemy’s thoughtless action.
Elisabeth agreed. The scene was a reenactment of ancient battles, with soldiers merely running and colliding without any formation or tactics.
“But with this, we can win!”
General Günes clenched his fist firmly.
An unstructured charge. At the forefront was their commander, Garios. If they could take him down, it would be a significant blow to the Demon King’s army, not just this battlefield.
“Everyone, no matter what, take down Garios! If you bring his head, you’ll be handsomely rewarded!”
General Günes encouraged his troops. In the center of the battlefield, the first cavalry unit, riding hard, captured Garios in their sights.
The cavalry accelerated further, maintaining an arrow-like formation as they rushed toward Garios. They resembled a battering ram, ready to break through any gate.
But in the face of the charging cavalry, Garios didn’t flinch. He swung his massive club with all his might.
Immediately, the battlefield exploded.
A thunderous roar echoed as the charging cavalry unit was blown away.
Fully armored soldiers and horses were torn apart, with pieces flying through the air, raining down on the soldiers behind.
The soldiers running behind couldn’t believe the falling parts were their comrades. They were terrified by the limbs, heads, and entrails that rained down on them. Then, a group of giants led by Garios attacked, engulfing the first cavalry unit in a black tide.
“Ugh… ugh…”
General Günes groaned, sweating.
Elisabeth couldn’t believe her eyes either. A single demon had taken down what could be considered a hundred of the elite guards.
Elisabeth shifted her gaze from the center to the flanks to see the other parts of the battlefield.
On the right wing, Captain Ledre led six hundred infantry, engaging three hundred of the Demon King’s troops in an even battle.
On the left wing, the Romelia Knights were gaining the upper hand. They were pushing back the Demon King’s troops while keeping their reserves intact.
The problem was the center, where Garios needed to be stopped.
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