Conversation Between S-rank Beauties Volume 3 Chapter 1 part  10

Once the noise died down, they started discussing what the first-year students’ event should be.
-Group dance
-Live performance centered around someone
These were the two feasible options.
Apparently, in previous years, the executive committee’s event was usually either singing or dancing, and it’s performed as the closing act of the Eika Festival.
The reason for having an executive committee event in the first place is that committee members have less time to participate in their class activities, so this serves as a substitute.
Also, it’s said that since committee members tend to become close while working together, the event is seen as a representation of the executive committee as a second class.
“Alright, so dance or song. If we decide on a song, we’ll also need to choose who will be the center later. Is everyone ready?”
They’ll decide by majority vote.
After confirming everyone’s understanding, the leader starts taking votes.
Of course, Haruya has already carefully considered which option to vote for.
Naturally, he chose “Live performance centered around someone.”
If he were to choose “Group dance,” it would mean he’d have to dance too, which he wants to avoid at all costs.
If someone is to be the center of a live performance, Haruya can take on backstage work like setting up the stage and sound equipment.
Seeing nearly half the votes go to “Everyone Dance,” Haruya suddenly felt panicked.
(Oh no, isn’t this bad? I really can’t do dance…)
After the voting ended, “Live Performance Centered on Someone” was decided by a narrow margin.
Haruya let out a sigh of relief, feeling like he had just barely escaped.
“Hey, I was wondering, is there anyone here who can play an instrument? Actually, I can.”
At that moment, Kawata Sayuki spoke up while raising her hand.
Perhaps due to her intimidating presence, a few students visibly flinched.
Three other students raised their hands in response to Sayuki’s question.
They were all gyaru-like girls. Probably the same type as Kawata Sayuki.
Noticing this, Sayuki’s eyes widened, and
“Hey, wouldn’t it be exciting if we could form a band?”
she suggested to the leader,
“A band… If we can secure practice time, it’s not impossible… Is everyone okay with that?”
Surely no student in this group would dare to displease Sayuki.
It seemed there were no objections.
“Alright, so we’ll consider the band idea positively. Now, I’d like to decide on a voca—”
Before the leader could finish speaking, one student energetically raised their hand.
“Yes! Please let me do it!”
The one who boldly declared this in front of everyone was Kohinata Rin.
“If Kohinata-san does it, that would be really reassuring. Is there anyone else who wants to do it?”
Apparently, no other student wanted to volunteer besides Rin.
Indeed, setting aside singing ability, Kohinata was probably the most suitable for the center position in terms of visuals.
That was the impression everyone there shared.
Realizing there were no other candidates besides herself, Rin lightly sighed and clenched her fist.
Haruya remained inconspicuous throughout.
After deciding on the event for the executive committee, everyone took a break.
Now, the problem was…
“It’s really hot in this room, isn’t it? Some classmates have gone out shopping, so could someone go buy ice cream and drinks? I’ll pay for it.”
Even though it was after school, it was still summer.
Most students were fanning their uniforms due to the humid heat.
During the meeting, they had been too focused to mention the heat, but once on break, complaints about the heat began.
Many nodded at Sayuki’s suggestion, and the leader went along with it.
“Alright, let’s make it a class competition. The team that loses at rock-paper-scissors will buy ice cream and drinks for the other classes.”
And so, a rock-paper-scissors tournament began to decide who would fetch ice cream and drinks.


“I’m really sorry for always causing trouble…”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind. Really.”
Walking along a path overgrown with lush summer grass, Haruya and the others were out to buy ice cream and drinks.
Rin had confidently participated in the rock-paper-scissors game but lost spectacularly.
Rin was the only one with rock, while everyone else had paper.
It was decided in just one round, which was impressive in its own way, Haruya thought.
Incidentally, Haruya was actually glad to be sent out shopping.
Because by the time they return, everyone would likely have resumed the meeting.
Seeing Rin feeling down, Haruya decided to ask something he was curious about.
“By the way… why did you volunteer to be the center for the live performance (band)? Kohinata-san?”
“Because I wanted to, of course! It’s cool, isn’t it?”
“I see.”
“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to try being a singing idol~”
Rin was humming and smiling.
Haruya hoped his concerns were unfounded, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was pushing herself too hard.
It would be easy to leave it alone or pretend not to notice.
However, he felt that if things continued this way, she would wear herself out.
So, he decided to probe a little deeper.
“When Himekawa-san and Takamori-san were chosen as Cinderella and the Prince, you didn’t look very happy. Is that related to this?”
She probably didn’t expect to be asked such a thing.
For a moment, her eyes widened, and she held her breath.
But she quickly returned to her usual cheerful self.
“…I can tell because there’s too much difference in how you act in class and how you act in the executive committee. You can tell me, it’s not like I have anyone to spread rumors to.”
After a moment of silence, she let out a sigh and muttered just one thing.
“Yeah. To be honest, it’s not like I want to do everything. The vice-leader position, being the center, even being on the executive committee. But I’m empty inside, you know.”
Her voice was lower than usual.
There was no trace of the artificial cuteness that was usually present.
Haruya was so shocked that he stopped walking.
“Eh? You’re not going to say anything after I opened up seriously? That’s unexpected, Akasaki-kun.”
Rin narrowed her eyes, looking surprised.
“I won’t give my opinion. I’ll just listen. But I thought that alone might make things a little lighter for you.”
“I see,” she murmured.
Rin lifted the corners of her mouth slightly and whispered, “I think I understand a little bit now. It was a mystery before.”
“What was?”
“Why Sara-chin and Yuna-rin care about you.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know.”
She giggled and took a step ahead of Haruya.
“Come on, let’s go buy ice cream and drinks!”
Hearing her voice, Haruya thought to himself,
(How did they find out…? No, I need to be more careful not to let it show.)
He shook his head.
Reasoning that buying from a convenience store would cost nearly twice as much, Haruya and the others came to a supermarket.
There were hardly any high school students in uniform inside the store, probably just Haruya and his group.
Referring to the memo they were given beforehand, they put the requested drinks into their basket.
The selections were mostly summer-appropriate, like sports drinks and energy drinks, which was a bit endearing.
Some students had even requested black coffee, which made Haruya feel a slight sense of kinship.
As the basket grew heavy with drinks, Rin asked,
“What kind of drink do you like, Akasaki-kun? What are you going to get?”
Looking at the shelves filled with various types of drinks, Haruya spoke.
“I like black coffee. But I’m not in the mood for it now, so I was thinking of buying tea.”
“Oh, you like black coffee? Are you trying to look cool in front of a girl?”
Rin narrowed her eyes teasingly.
“No, that’s not it. It’s true that drinking black coffee might make you look more mature, but… I like hot black coffee.”
“I see. Are you the type who enjoys authentic coffee at cafes?”
“Well, sometimes…”
Haruya carefully chose his words while averting his gaze.
This was all to avoid being found out as a “regular customer.”
Rin let out a small sigh, as if to say “how strange.”
As Haruya glanced at her, she continued.
“No, sorry. It’s just that I know someone about the same age as you… who always enjoys coffee, but I haven’t been able to meet them lately, so I was wondering if they’re feeling lonely.”
“By the way, why haven’t you been able to meet?”
Surprised by his interest, Rin let out an “Eh?”
Then, as if nothing had happened, she continued.

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