Unwanted Galactic Uprising Volume 2 Chapter 11

The Captain’s Cooking for Her Highness

Since [Shunmin] had set sail early in the morning, it became an issue that there were no soldiers to prepare meals when lunchtime came around.
It was almost noon, and we were wondering what to do.
If it were just us, we could choose to do nothing, but…
Her Highness was sitting quietly behind me, observing our ship operations.
Of course, there was no seat specifically for Her Highness, but she was sitting in the guest seat without complaint.
Well, this seat was for guests of a certain rank. Normally, people would sit on the emergency seats scattered around the bridge.
In fact, Mr. Ferman was sitting on one of those seats.
The lady-in-waiting, Margaret, wasn’t here at the moment.
I remembered that she was probably in the room prepared for Her Highness.
I left the bridge command to Sister Meyrica and went to look for Margaret.
I knocked on the door of the room and was let in. Then I began to consult with her.
“Ms. Margaret. I apologize for asking this, but have you prepared lunch for Her Highness?”
“No, we haven’t prepared anything like that. Her Highness wishes to have the same meal as everyone else.”
“Eh? But surely we can’t serve her simple rations…”
“Absolutely not. Such rudeness would never be allowed, Captain.”
“Her Highness was looking forward to the Captain’s cooking. Aren’t you going to cook this time?”
“Eh? But last time, I received quite a few complaints…”
“That’s different from what I heard. Both Her Highness and Ferman said they felt sorry for the captain and the crew. They understood the importance of meals, of course, but realized they hadn’t made proper arrangements. I hear they’re looking for someone who can cook.”
“That’s kind of them. Well then, I’ll prepare something.”
“Um, I’m not sure if I should say this, but… will it be alright? I mean, the ship’s navigation…”
“Ah, don’t worry. We’re not fighting enemies, and we’re in the relatively safe capital space area. I’ve left the command to Lieutenant Meyrica, the vice-captain. Now, I’ll head to the kitchen.”
“Should I help with anything?”
“Ms. Margaret, do you cook?”
“Well, it’s embarrassing to admit, but in the castle, we have chefs, so I rarely have the opportunity to cook.”
“I see. If you’re free, you’re welcome to just watch. Many of our crew are from orphanages, so they’re used to this. However, I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to serve such food to Her Highness…”
“You’re worrying too much. Her Highness is looking forward to it after hearing Captain Ford say it was delicious.”
In the end, trusting Margaret’s words, I caught some of the cadets who had helped me before and headed to the kitchen attached to the soldiers’ mess hall.
Last time it was for about sixty people, but this time there were about thirty more, so I prepared meals for a hundred people.
Those girls, despite being women, tend to eat a lot.
This time, because Her Highness was on board, instead of the intimidating Royal Guard that came before, there were thirty soldiers from an all-female unit accompanying her.
We’re assuming it’s a day trip, so we haven’t assigned rooms to the newcomers, but it won’t be a problem if it becomes necessary.
This ship has rooms that can easily accommodate 120 people.
I had Margaret taste-test the prepared food for poison before taking it to Her Highness.
We couldn’t let others eat until Her Highness had eaten first.
I left the rest to the cadets and returned to the bridge.
When I returned to the bridge, I heard that Her Highness had already gone back to her room to start eating.
“Captain, Her Highness is waiting for you.”
“She wants to dine with you.”
“I understand.”
Margaret came to fetch me after I had returned to the bridge.
I ordered Meyrica to take turns having meals, then headed to Her Highness’s room.
Despite commanding this ship, I just can’t get used to this room.
The captain’s quarters are already extravagantly luxurious and make me uncomfortable, but this room is even more lavish.
It’s probably more than adequate for royalty, but I wonder why such a room was even built.
Those guys must have created it purely out of personal interest.
In hindsight, it could be called a brilliant move on their part, but I can’t wholeheartedly praise them for it.
Thinking about such things, I entered the room.


“Captain, is the bridge alright?”
“Yes, it’s fine. Moreover, this room is the closest to the bridge, so if anything happens, we can shout from the bridge and be heard. Ah, no, we can’t. I forgot this room was built as a suite. The soundproofing is perfect. However, emergency ship-wide announcements will still come through, so there’s no problem at all.”
“Then we can enjoy our meal without worry. I invited you because eating alone is dull.”
“Thank you. It’s a great honor. However, I feel a bit embarrassed since I prepared the food myself.”
The meal began with this kind of conversation.
With Margaret serving tea, it truly felt like an elegant dining experience.
“Thank you for the meal. It was really delicious. Captain, you’re quite skilled at cooking.”
“No, most orphanage graduates are about this good. We have to take care of not just ourselves but also the younger children. Everyone does what they can, so we naturally learn.”
“Is that so? But we can’t always make the captain cook. We’ll find someone as soon as possible, so please bear with it for now.”
Just then, a communication came in from the bridge.
“Captain, we’re about to enter Nihonium’s control area. Please come to the bridge.”
“Understood, I’ll be right there.”
“Shall we return to the bridge then?”
Her Highness suggested this to me, but it wouldn’t be appropriate.
If we were just entering the spaceport, communication alone would suffice, but we’re entering the dock, so a guide will come aboard.
We certainly can’t bring Her Highness to where an uninformed guide is present.
“Your Highness, I’m sorry, but could you please remain in this room until we dock?”
“Why is that?”
“Well, from now until we dock, a guide responsible for this area will board the ship. It’s not so much for Your Highness’s safety, but to avoid unnecessary confusion. Please cooperate.”
“If that’s the case, I understand. It’s a shame I won’t be able to see the Captain’s piloting skills, but I’ll stay put here.”
“Thank you for your cooperation.”
I left the room and headed to the bridge.
Upon reaching the bridge, I explained the situation to Mr. Ferman and asked what he would do.
“I understand. I’ll gather Her Highness’s guard soldiers around her room, but I’ll stay here. To be honest, I’d like to see the local guide.”
“If that’s the case, understood. …Kaori, contact the control tower.”
“Roger that.”
After that, we went through the usual procedures, and the guide came aboard.
It was someone we had requested before, but they were clearly surprised this time.
They were amazed at how clean the ship had become, and more than that, how many people there were – especially that they were all women.
Come to think of it, last time there were only about thirty people, but this time there are more than three times that number, yet the ratio hasn’t changed.
There were only a few men, like Chief Sardar and Mr. Ferman.
Ah, the male cadets are more like boys than men.
Those boys make up half of the cadets, so it’s not entirely a garden of women, but even so, I was surprised anew at the high ratio of females.
After safely docking and the guide leaving, I contacted the dock’s president.
We couldn’t let Her Highness leave the ship.
The president seemed to have intended to come here from the start, so although our communications crossed, it wasn’t a problem in this case.
After getting approval from Mr. Ferman, I headed to Her Highness’s room with the president.
I came here intending to introduce this president, but even until now, I honestly wasn’t confident if it was okay to bring him before Her Highness like this.
In my mind, I was chanting like a mantra that at least Maria wasn’t here this time.
“Your Highness, I’ve brought the president of this place.”
I asked for permission to enter at the door.
The subsequent meeting went incredibly smoothly.
My worries turned out to be unfounded.
This person can actually handle themselves well when needed.
There’s a clear difference in how they’re treating me versus Her Highness, but it’s natural to differentiate between a mere officer and royalty.
However, I had thought this person was absolutely incapable of such formal behavior, so I felt a bit betrayed.

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