“What!? You all are the ones who–“
“Wait, Ludrick!”
Stopping Ludrick from rushing in, Noel pointed his sword at Cordle, giving the golden beast in the sky a hateful glare.
“I see… So that ‘beast’ is…”
“Could it be…”
Finally understanding what Noel was getting at, Ludrick’s face contorted with terror.
The absent Eurushia.
And the beast that appeared, sharing her coloring…
“ ‘ ’ ” ………… “ ‘ ’ ‘ ’
Eurushia’s 4 demons, realizing the truth, exuded an aura of murderous intent towards the humans who had understood.
The human charade was over. Even if they were punished later by their master, to fulfill Eurushia’s wish of living in the human world, the demons decided to annihilate the humans here without leaving even their souls – but…
“Could it be, that brilliant glow is because Lucia was absorbed by that beast!?”
“Yes, Lucia was probably used as a ‘sacrifice’ to summon that beast… How cruel!”
“Got it, brats? That demonic beast is absorbing the holy maiden’s magic power, and that’s why it’s shining golden!”
Nodding in agreement with Ludrick, Noel concluded that the beloved girl had been sacrificed and absorbed by the beast, a conclusion that Cordle also accepted.
Hearing that “answer”, Noah’s tense shoulders slumped.
No matter how highly they were regarded, not just Ludrick and Noel, but even the enemy Cordle had never doubted Eurushia’s purity as a holy maiden, never considering for a moment that she could be connected to demons.
“Ah, yes.”
Noah could only give a deflated response, feeling drained.
(–What’s wrong?–)
At that moment, a telepathic message came from Fanny, who was with the master.
(–Something’s off with Lady Eurushia–)
Looking closer with composure, he noticed the abnormality.
The severely damaged Nia had returned to the battlefield without major injuries, and Tina and Fanny also seemed more relaxed than before.
(I see… So that’s it!)
Rapidly turning over his thoughts, Noah reached a conclusion.
How were the humans unharmed, when the “golden beast” was spewing such immense magical power? Right after its appearance, the miasma alone would have rotted their souls and devoured them, but now no miasma was being released from the “golden beast”.
Despite obtaining the black souls of Isabella and demons, the power of the “Golden Beast” has increased. Yet, none of the major human beings had died.
This phenomenon is likely because…
(There are “humans” that the master is on good terms with in this place.)
Eurushia’s consciousness has not disappeared completely. Unconsciously, she likely does not see Ludrick and Noel as prey.
The same goes for Noah and the other servants. Even though they were barely able to endure, if the “Golden Beast” had attacked them with its full power and speed, they would have already been killed. But at the last moment, the “Golden Beast” stopped its pursuit, and gave the demons an opening to resist.
Even Cordle, who was behind Noah and the others, was able to survive the onslaught of that powerful force because of the master’s protection.
The four demons were moved by the fact that their master was unconsciously going easy on them, and Noah interjected with the cheerfulness of a con artist into the ongoing argument between Ludrick and Cordle.
“Leave it to us…we have a good idea.”
“Let’s go!”
At Ludrick’s command, the three holy knights moved out. But leading them was not Ludrick or the holy knights, but the young, twelve-year-old knight, Nia.
At first, the holy knights were reluctant to have the naive young girl in the lead, but once they saw the power of the “servant blessed by the Saint,” who had endured the attacks up until now, they had no choice but to accept her.
“We’ll get Eurasia back! “
Noah’s proposed strategy was not particularly novel. It was to shake the master’s spirit, just as the four demons had done. Until now, they had been trying to awaken Eurushia’s consciousness in this way. But this time, it’s different.
“Everyone, please continue to apply as much shock as possible. During that opening, we’ll separate Eurushia-sama from that existence!”
With hope in their hearts, the humans set out towards the “Golden Beast.”
Up until now, they had thought that Eurushia’s consciousness had been swallowed by the demon’s true nature. But if she is unconsciously going easy on Ludrick and the other humans, there may still be a possibility to seal her true self.
Eurushia does not have her own subspace. That’s why, when her massive body first manifested in the material world, she unconsciously avoided the destruction of the “world of light” she longed for, exhausting her body’s magic power and inadvertently being reborn as a “human.”
The current “Golden Beast” is rampaging because it is overwhelmed by the massive magical power of an even greater body than Eurushia’s previous one. In time, it should become accustomed to it, but if such an immense magical power is left as is, the “world” may turn against her.
For this reason, Noah and the others planned to seal Eurushia’s true body in her own subspace.
But can such a thing be easily created? However, they have a trump card.
The excess magical power of Eurushia, gradually collected, and the “Paradise Lost” – the subspace created specifically for her by four great demons…
By sealing her true body there and stabilizing it as her official subspace, that was Noah’s strategy. For this, the three great demons, excluding Nia, created a massive magic circle in the ruins of the collapsed castle and prepared.
They cannot afford to lose any more personnel to seal the master’s immense magical power. It’s only natural for Nia to guard the humans to prevent them from accidentally dying.
Then, who will carry out the attacks to shake the “Golden Beast”?
“Don’t fall behind, humans!”
“I know that!”
Arguing with each other, Cordle and Noel took up their swords and began attacking the “Golden Beast.”
While the two possess great power, they are ultimately mortal beings, and their individual combat ability is not even on par with a high-ranking demon, let alone a great demon.
However, Noel and Ludrick are also acquainted with Eurushia, and their strikes should shake her spirit beyond their mere combat prowess.
The “Golden Beast” let out a threatening roar and lunged at the tiny creatures approaching it, but Nia stepped in and forcefully deflected the attack.
With his one arm, Cordle charged in and swung his broken magic sword with all his might. But the strike was deflected by the golden wings, and Noel seized the opportunity to leap in and swing his sword, only to be knocked back by the long tail.
“It’s not over yet!”
Even after being knocked back, Noel did not fall, instead digging his heels into the ground and launching himself back into the fray. The “Golden Beast” moved to attack, but its assault was blocked by Nia.
“Over here, beast!”
“Healing for Noel-dono!”
Although the miasma-afflicted Cordle and Nia, who had endured multiple miasma attacks, were rejected by the holy magic, the holy knights took on the task of supporting Nia’s attacks and using holy magic to heal Noel, ensuring the burden did not fall on a single person.
“ …… So this is a “human”.
Cordle, the only one among the humans who is on the demon’s side, marvels at the “strength” of the humans.
In terms of raw strength, the demon clan who have absorbed the blood of beastmen and monsters is superior. Their physical prowess is incomparable to the human race, which is the most numerous.
However, “humans” can fight by uniting their strength.
Unlike the demons who band together through fear and violence, humans can fight for the sake of someone else.
Even if the price is their own life, they will bravely fight for the sake of their loved ones. That is why humans have the [Hero], the symbol of courage, and the [Saint], the symbol of love.
“The Saint, huh…”
The golden-haired maiden they are trying to save. Despite her youthful appearance, she possesses a beautiful insight, and even after seeing through Cordle’s true nature, she smiled at him with her kind-hearted compassion.
If she were to meet the benevolent Demon King, would she be able to save him as well?…
As a demon who is plotting to destroy this world for the sake of his kind, and who has unintentionally made her a sacrifice, Cordle cannot help but wish for that.
Cordle is using the humans under the guise of a joint operation to prevent the monster from reaching the Demon King. But his “feelings” have changed a little. Touched by the purity of the Saint, he now fights with his sword not only for the sake of the Demon King he admires, but also to save the Saint… that small girl.
“Demon King… I’m sorry.”
Probably, Cordle will die here. The Demon King may be saddened, but he will not scold him, so Cordle grips his demon sword and charges forward once again.
Bad News: The English translation of Volume 1 on this website will be removed soon!
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