Monster Meat Led Me To The Throne Volume 3 Prologue


A red-haired female swordsman stood ready, gripping a large sword. Though large and muscular for a woman, her body lines were well-proportioned, giving her a sculpted beauty.
“Come at me. With all you’ve got.”
My hand gripping the sword was drenched in sweat.
While wearing my trusted armor against this dangerous opponent, I couldn’t muster the will to fight with my full strength.
“Wait! Why now, Cassandra? Reconsider!”
I called out desperately. I didn’t want to cross blades with my master, now my wife.
“Not coming? Then I’ll go to you.”
Cassandra leaned her body forward, then kicked off the ground, closing the distance in one stride as she brought her great sword down upon me.
As befitting the Sword Saint, her movement was like a raging wind.
I received her strike with my blade. The clang of clashing metal rang out.
An ordinary sword would have been bent by that slashing blow, but my black blade is a peerless masterwork that has never chipped. Thanks to that, I managed to deflect it.
Why Cassandra, why would you
“Duel me right before the baby is born!”
Cassandra was in her final month of pregnancy and could give birth at any moment.
In fact, Cassandra herself had told me,
“It will be born soon.”
Fair enough. But then she continued with,
“So fight me.”
I don’t understand the meaning.
Why must I cross swords with a woman carrying my own child?
Of course I tried to stop her.
“What if it causes a miscarriage?”
“A miscarriage? There’s no way that would happen. This is my child.”
Her words carried a strange persuasive power. It’s true that Cassandra didn’t seem the type to miscarry.
Though she stopped wearing them during pregnancy, she normally wears rings cursed with poison, petrification, paralysis, and confusion, along with armbands that increase gravity tenfold. She’s unusual like that.
She could probably give birth to a healthy child even at the world’s end.
However, that doesn’t mean we should fight. Common sense would say no.
“No, but why must we fight? Can’t we just calmly await the birth?”
“What are you saying? There are things I can only teach it while in the womb. I must let it experience a top warrior’s fighting style before birth. At the very end, it should have some awareness.”
Eh? Education? Dueling is part of educating the unborn child?
I’ve heard of “pregnancy education,” a trend among noble ladies in the capital involving listening to music, reading, and admiring art. But certainly not waving swords around in combat.
“Intense exercise could negatively impact the baby in the womb.”
“What nonsense. This is your child too. The strongest there is. A little movement won’t negatively impact it at all. In fact, it can gain warrior experience before birth.”
There’s no way an unborn baby can gain that kind of experience!
Has she no maternal love?
While Cassandra seems to value me highly, it’s completely backfiring here.
Is she trying to raise this child to be a demon king or something?
I fail to understand why an innocent, unborn child must undergo such a harsh ordeal.
Though I desperately resisted afterward, trying to dissuade Cassandra, she wouldn’t listen at all.
In fact, she ended up dragging me to the training grounds.
And so we’ve arrived at this point.
“Fight me seriously! Providing proper training for our child is a father’s duty! Don’t you care about the child to be born?”
Proper training? I’d love to hear what her own parents think of that.
It feels like a murderer lecturing me on the sanctity of life.
Some 10 years ago when I first called Cassandra master, she force-fed me poisonous monster meat, then had me fight until near death.
Could it be she considered that “proper training”?
As Cassandra swings her great sword, raining down a storm of fierce blows, this is clearly violence, not education. I may die before fulfilling my duty as a father.
I’d love to know her parents’ educational approach. And for them to take responsibility immediately.
The intense barrage continued as my black blade and Cassandra’s great sword clashed, spraying sparks.
An observer might find the scene beautiful.
Come to think of it, being able to withstand Cassandra’s full force shows my own growth. Years ago, she would pummel me barehanded without letting me draw my blade. I wasn’t allowed to use a sword at all.
Back then, I wondered how much stronger I’d need to become for this woman to let me wield a blade against her.


For a moment, forgetting the upcoming birth, I crossed swords with Cassandra, overcome with reminiscence about my own growth.
The crimson-haired Sword Saint struck with weighty force. Each blow made the stone pavement beneath my feet crack and shatter.
Her horizontal slashes felt like they could send my body flying into the training grounds’ walls.
She rained them down relentlessly like lightning. The slightest lapse in focus could mean death.
Completely on the defensive, I couldn’t dream of going on the offensive. Not that I intended to anyway.
As I desperately endured her onslaught, Cassandra’s movements suddenly stopped.
“It’s coming.”
“Going to give birth now.”
As casually as if taking a bath, Cassandra turned and walked away, great sword in hand.
“…Did I dodge a bullet?”
Collapsing onto the training grounds floor, I lay there dazed for a while. It had been ages since this black armor last felt so heavy.

“Sorry for the wait.”
Cassandra returned without much time passing,
cradling a wrinkly newborn in her arms. Her belly looked slightly less swollen than before, but not by much.
Frau and Camilla both seemed utterly exhausted after childbirth, but Cassandra showed no such signs. Her “Crimson Demon Sword Saint” epithet was well-earned.
Rather, the attending ladies-in-waiting seemed the ones drained mentally and physically.
“Please, Lady Cassandra! You mustn’t move right after giving birth!”
“Don’t move the baby, let it rest!”
The ladies-in-waiting cried out, but Cassandra ignored them completely.
“Here, your child. Hold it.”
Then the unthinkable – Cassandra tossed the newborn at me.
I hurriedly caught the baby gently. Born to such an ill-fit mother, the poor thing looked ready to cry.
Larger than most newborns with red hair like its mother,
this child lacked the typical frailness, giving an strange aura of fortitude instead.
Despite the rough handling, it didn’t cry at all, gripping my finger with surprising strength for an infant.
My first daughter was named Hilda.

TLNOTE: While waiting for the next chapter , I implore you dear readers to read other masterpiece novels that also written by the same author :


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