After a while, a cave came into view. There were two men who appeared to be guards.
“Hey, good work. I bet the noble brat was easy to—”
“Sorry… we messed up……”
“……Ah, looks that way.”
Cold blades were pressed against the necks of the two men driving the horses.
The horse-drawn carriage stopped elegantly. Then Luke and the others got out, and the man who had lost an arm was carelessly thrown to the ground.
“What?! Abend!”
“Everyone. Gather all the mercenaries here.”
Luke said this without changing his expression as soon as he got out. Confusion colored the faces of the two guard men.
“You two, go back.”
“Is it okay?”
“Yeah, let them go.”
Canis and Felis released the men. The man who had lost an arm, Arbent, was also told to go back by Luke’s eyes and gestures. This mercenary group had no hesitation in getting involved in evil deeds as long as they were paid. However, many of them had survived wars together, so their sense of camaraderie was very strong.
(What a fool. He released the hostages so easily……)
There was confusion, but even more relief. As long as they could get their comrades back, they could handle the rest somehow.
Looking around, there were eight men and women in this place, including the target boy. Moreover, three of them were clearly noble ladies unfamiliar with combat.
“Hurry up. Don’t keep me waiting too long.”
“Yeah, we’ll bring everyone right away.”
Supporting their injured comrade, the men went into the cave. With a slight upturn of the corners of their mouths, smirking. A few minutes later.
“Well, well, noble sir? Looks like you took care of our comrade.”
There, nearly fifty mercenaries had gathered.
“Hmm, is this everyone?”
“……What did you say?”
Agorte, the leader of this mercenary group, slightly furrowed his brow. Luke hadn’t changed his expression even in front of this many people.
And for good reason. They had a fatal lack of knowledge about magic. Strange people who could do mysterious things. That was their idea of [magicians].
However, Agorte wasn’t careless. The man whose arm Luke had cut off was the third strongest in this mercenary group. He couldn’t be careless. And he was also Agorte’s old friend.
(……Don’t think you can die easily. I’ll show you hell.)
He couldn’t forgive such treatment of his comrade. The fact that he had already acted against Luke based on his own judgment was no longer in his mind; all that remained was anger that made his guts boil.
“……Is this all?”
Suddenly, Luke showed an obviously disappointed look. It goes without saying that this act grated on the nerves of the men facing him.
“You do it.”
“Eh… Is it okay? Even if I take away your fun.”
“It’s fine. More than that, I want to see your magic after a long time.”
At that moment, a kind of joy Alice had never felt before ran through her entire body like an electric current.
“What is it?”
“Nothing. If that’s what you want, I’ll show you everything I have—”
Multiple magic circles reaching to the sky. An immense magical power, cold enough to freeze, raged like a storm centered on Alice. It was enough to make even those without knowledge instinctively sense danger.
“W-What is this?”
“Boss! T-This is bad! I don’t know what it is, but this is incredibly dangerous! We need to run—”
“Don’t be stupid! They did this to our comrade! We can’t run away! Let’s get them!”
The men who had made up their minds started running all at once. The distance rapidly closed. The target was, of course, Alice.
If they could cut off her head before she did anything, it would be fine. But—
“—[World of Ice]”
That merciless cold air froze the men in an instant.
Originally, Alice was supposed to be unrelated character . However, after meeting Luke, her fate was altered. Watching the mock battle between her brother Yoland and Luke, her desire to [become stronger] intensified, and she never neglected her efforts until this day.
Her oversized talent, continuously polished, blossomed into overwhelming magical power.

Not only did she freeze the men, but she also froze the entire surrounding area.
Looking at the silver world spread out before him, Luke could only utter words of admiration.
“–Fufu, I’m happy”
This was rare for her. To [blush] so obviously.
“Truly magnificent. To think… to think it could be this much! Alice, will you fight me seriously!?”
Eleonora exclaimed excitedly,
“W-Wow… amazing…”
Zack muttered childlike impressions while breaking out in a cold sweat.
(S-Scary! Such a beautiful girl!? Huh? Magic is scary!)
Zack prided himself on having developed some tolerance to monstrous strength after spending time with Luke — but he realized this was a complete misunderstanding.
Anyone could see the match was decided. The frozen men would likely never move again.
“L-Luke… look at mine too…”
“Hm? …Hey”
Impressed by Alice’s magic, Luke was slow to notice. The enormous magical power Mia had been quietly building up. Unlike Alice’s, hers was rough, like it could slice through skin, and once again captivated Luke’s eyes. What existed in Mia’s heart was an intensely fierce jealousy.
She acknowledged Alice. But of course, there were feelings she couldn’t come to terms with. This wasn’t about logic. She wanted him to look at her too. She wanted him to look only at her.
More, more, more, more–
Her magic was filled to the brim with such murky feelings.
Luke thought he should stop her.
But he couldn’t. The intense desire to see that magic made him swallow his words.
(When did these two–)
Alice and Mia. In terms of combat ability, they initially didn’t pique Luke’s interest. But they had achieved such rapid growth that it deviated from their original story. All because of their encounter with Luke.
“– [Lightning Hammer]”
Thunder rends the world of ice. A single, massive bolt of lightning falls like divine punishment.
The sight was mystical and fantastical.
“…Ahahahahaha. –What excellent magic”
Why did laughter well up?
Luke probably doesn’t realize. How distorted a smile he’s wearing right now.
The lightning, as if mocking the laws of nature, instantly melts the world of ice. Even as it changes to water, it’s rapidly heated, causing — [steam explosion].
The air expands at a terrifying speed. It was because Luke realized this possibility that he tried to stop Mia, but–
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