*** Academy Student A ***
The captured cargo ship, held in the tractor beam, enters the hangar bay.
Arms in the hangar grab the cargo ship, while droids spray fire extinguishers on the burning sections.
“Finally, face-to-face with the treasure.”
“But hey, that senator’s daughter is probably going to take it all for herself, right?”
“Of course she’ll help herself to some first.”
Those approaching the ship were chatting while checking their guns.
They seemed to enjoy pointing guns at defenseless targets.
I was looking forward to a gunfight, personally.
Once the cargo ship was fully secured to the floor, its cargo hatch began to open.
When the hatch was about a third open, the three in front suddenly collapsed.
“Hey! What’s wrong?”
A few approached them.
Then those few also abruptly collapsed.
Something was happening.
The moment I thought that, something flew out from the half-open cargo hatch.
Taking down the one closest to it.
I hastily tried to raise my blaster rifle…
*** Shaun Lyatt ***
…A moment ago…
I heard a loud thud as the ship was secured in place.
I hit the cargo hatch switch and drew my stun pistol from its holster.
Then, watching the slowly opening hatch, the moment a head came into view, I pulled the stun pistol’s trigger.
“Hey! What’s wrong?”
Hearing a voice from outside, another head appeared.
I immediately pulled the trigger again, and as the head disappeared, I drew the stun baton from my left hip and leapt out through the half-open hatch.
Simultaneously, I assessed the number of enemies present.
I stunned the closest one with the baton, then shot the one farthest away, about to aim at me, in the forehead with the stun pistol.
I threw the stunned enemy at the one next to him, grabbing that one’s arm, sweeping his legs and slamming him hard onto the floor onto his back.
As the others were stunned by this, I shot another with the stun pistol, knocking him out.
Without pause, I put another stun round into the head of the one I’d thrown.
With no one left standing, I pointed my pistol at the head of the one I’d slammed and fired.
“Phew…good thing they let their guard down.”
I holstered the stun pistol and turned off and put away the baton.
“At least they’ll be out for twelve hours, but I should restrain them for now.”
I didn’t kill these guys.
I had switched the stun pistol’s rounds to non-lethal tranquilizer darts.
I proceeded to bind their arms and legs with rope.
After restraining them all, I headed down one of the corridors.
I had hoped there would be a ship layout posted, but there wasn’t one, either by design in case of boarding or simply an oversight.
“Damn…I should have left one to guide me.”
The tranquilizer darts are quite potent, so it would take time for them to wake up, and be a hassle to rouse one.
Well, I’d likely run into a patrol party before too long.
After restraining the group, I cautiously made my way down the corridor deeper into the ship.
Still, this ship seems eerily deserted.
For a ship this size, there should be nearly three hundred people aboard.
Come to think of it, there was no alarm even when I fired earlier, which is odd.
The bridge crew I glimpsed on the monitor seemed overconfident, so I can understand them not monitoring, but for a ship this large to have so few people is unsettling.
I hope it’s not the case that these really are pirates, and they killed all the students. No, surely not…?
I pondered such thoughts, remaining vigilant for any students who might attack, but there was no sign of anyone.
“Could it be a trap?”
I muttered that as I proceeded, when suddenly I heard a voice.
It seemed to be coming from behind a door, the exact words unclear.
But I knew which room the voice was coming from.
I immediately took a position at a blind angle from the door, stun pistol raised.
“Okay! I got it open!”
A girl student with long hair burst out happily.
I immediately stuck the stun pistol to her head.
“Don’t move.”
I gave her the standard line.

“Who… who’s there?”
After our dialogue, it seemed the people inside the room had stopped moving, with no sign of emerging.
The female student raised both hands, showing she wouldn’t resist.
“Just a lowly cargo transport worker captured by your great captain.”
The female student shouted while keeping her hands raised.
“He’s not the captain!”
“Then is he a pirate?”
“These are definitely training school students. But they’re not official captains or bridge crew!”
A voice from inside the room spoke up.
It seemed to be a man’s voice.
“What do you mean?”
“If I explain, it’ll be a long story.”
I temporarily move the stun gun away from the female student’s head and holster it.
“It seems she was being held captive, and I want to know the situation as well as ask her to guide us.”
The female student looked relieved at my words.
According to what she told us on the way to the bridge, the six of them were originally the bridge crew, with the female student who first appeared being the captain.
As for those other guys, it seems the privileged and wealthy students couldn’t stand not being at the top of the ship’s hierarchy, so around thirty of them staged a coup.
They took the female teacher who was supposed to monitor them, as well as the male student who unlocked the door when they attacked in the middle of the night, as hostages, forcing the crew to obey them.
Moreover, when those guys tried to assault the female student, that female teacher monitoring them pleaded for them to stop, offering to take her place instead.
Perhaps the reason the others haven’t Shaun up yet is because they’re tormenting that female teacher.
By the way, the coup happened a month ago.
The reason it took them so long to escape was because the male student was hit by a high-powered stun gun and remained unconscious.
The rest of the crew was locked in the cargo hold, while these students were isolated to prevent them from inciting further rebellion.
I thought since they were students, they’d insist on immediately rescuing the imprisoned crew or the female teacher who might be being assaulted. But she said:
“If our numbers increase now, the enemy will notice us. And I don’t think the teacher has been killed.”
She was surprisingly calm.
Though she did seem to have endured a lot.
By the way, the captured members consisted of:
Captain: Marieda Westerlock (female student)
Vice Captain: Johann Roewyn (male student)
Helm: Munan Slipps (female student)
Gunner: Helen Sheeder (female student)
Chief Engineer: Sohka Fiohda (female student)
Communications/Electronic Warfare Officer: McCoy Dalrega (male student)
But the remaining guys really didn’t show up at all.
As I was walking while feeling suspicious about that,
we entered a large room.
On the left was the entrance/exit for the ship itself, as well as several other doors besides the one we came through.
“This is the entrance hall and briefing room. If we go through here, the bridge is just ahead,” the captain Marieda explained.
Then, one of the doors on the other side opened.
Four figures appeared from the other side of the door.
A tall, muscular man.
A short, small man.
A grinning, fat man.
A slender man with a large holster on his hip.
All four were wearing the students’ uniforms from the academy.
“Hey, how did those guys get out?”
The fat man said, scowling at the group behind me.
“Tch! That McCoy bastard woke up. He must have unlocked them,”
the small man clicked his tongue unpleasantly, glaring at the male student McCoy.
“So that’s the transporter from earlier.”
“Did you take care of the guys who went to capture him?”
The tall, muscular man and the slender man with the large hip holster ignored the students, staring at me instead.
“What are you being so casual for?! Hurry and capture them!”
The small man shouted frantically.
But the fat man next to him just said
“It’s fine. As long as they don’t resist, we won’t lay a hand on them. In other words, if they do resist, then we’re free to attack.”
while leering at the female students behind and said,
the small man agreed, grinning as well.
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