Geek Mob Mercenary Chapter 90

Mob No.90: [You are now free! Return to your loved ones and family!]

Today is the 6th day since I returned to Ytts, after enjoying 5 days of vacation.

I should resume work soon, but before that I have to clean my room and do laundry – pack clothes, towels, toiletries into the trunk – separate and take out the trash to the apartment disposal area – use up all the remaining food for lunch so there’s none left, or pack any leftovers so I can take it on the ship. The usual prep for leaving for a while.

Lunch today was ham, cucumber, lettuce sandwiches. Instant corn soup. A 3 egg omelet with potatoes, carrots, onions, the remaining chilled dumplings and curry rice without rice.

With more eating out and instant food on the ship during jobs, I try to cook at home as much as possible.

After lunch, I’d normally head to the guild with the trunk, but this time I didn’t borrow the rental bike from the apartment building and took public transit instead.

Arriving at the guild, first I loaded the trunk onto the ship and checked the fuel. Then checked the ship’s food supply, and refilled water and emptied wastewater.

Of course, water is used for drinking, showering, washing face and hands, doing dishes, toilet flushing.

Dish and toilet water collects in the wastewater tank, while other water is purified in the on-board recycling system and reused for dishes and toilet flushing.

The dock has a direct pipeline to the wastewater treatment plant to dispose ship wastewater, simultaneously cleaning the ship’s wastewater tank. The water supply point also refills the potable water tank.

I should really do this right when I get back, but I prioritize rest and do it before departure.

After finishing that work, I went to the counter lobby and it was much more crowded.

“Yoohoo, long time no see!”

“Hey. How was your vacation?”

“I got to really enjoy net, games, and anime for the first time in a while.”

Like normal, I sat at Uncle Roans’ spot and chatted while starting to browse the job listings. I do check the bulletin boards too, but the listings here have more detail, sometimes jobs not posted on the boards, so I’ve been checking here lately.

“I dunno much about that stuff, but sounds like you recharged.”

“By the way, did you see the public sentencing?”

That was the emergency broadcast on the 3rd day of my vacation.

That the emperor would directly sentence some of those who foolishly opposed in the recent rebellion.

The contents of the public sentencing were like this:

The screen showed the image of Empire’s 38th Empress, Amelia Flanode Olvoars, with a subtitle on screen reading [Public sentencing of rebels].

After the imperial anthem played, the public sentencing by the Empress began.

[I am Amelia Flanode Olvoars, 38th Empress of the Galactic Empire. Gathered before me now are some of the fools who foolishly opposed me.

By the Empire’s norms of the past, the commoners here who foolishly opposed me deserve death.

However, these commoners did not voluntarily oppose me. Therefore, their sins shall be reduced, punished by a fine of 12 million credits or up to 2 years penal servitude!

Next, the nobles made to forcibly participate in the uprising by their superiors shall be fined 540 million credits, or up to 5 years hard labor!

There are voices below saying the forced participants should be punished more harshly.

But I decree these sentences so all may widely understand opposing, that is, betraying the Empire is a grave sin! Let this be a lesson!]

The Empress spoke severely as all present despaired, heads down.

Then the Empress spoke again.

[However, purging the masses of fools infesting the Empire this time has made my rule more secure, a celebratory occasion.

Thus, all commoners and nobles forced into the rebellion shall all be pardoned and released! This is my imperial decree!]


At the Empress’s words, life returned to their faces.

In short, the fact they were punished remains, but they were pardoned and released the moment the sentences were carried out.

Forced through without even a trial, but an absolute monarch’s edict cannot be defied.

In other words, this Empress demonstrated she respects the Empire’s history yet differs from past Emperors.

This was definitely scripted by someone I bet. Maybe someone among the people waiting in the wings, like His Majesty’s [Great-Uncle]?

[You are now free! Return to your loved ones and family!]

The screen echoed with cheers so loud they seemed to shatter glass and joyous sobs.

That was the public sentencing from 3 days ago.

“This probably raised the Empress’s approval rating even higher.”

“Then anti-Empress factions who didn’t join the rebellion are probably grinding their teeth huh.”

I suspect there’s quite a lot of anti-Empress factions who didn’t join the recent rebellion.

Some probably properly used their heads to avoid it, but these people prioritize exercising the privileges of nobility, so there’s definitely nobles who didn’t participate because they disagreed or didn’t want to associate with someone they disliked.

“And pirate and bandit attacks will increase too with families of nobles who willingly participated divorcing to escape responsibility before the war, plus more newbie mercs showing up. Then you get guys like that.”

Just as Uncle Roans said, over at the counter was:

“What?! I was top of my class in practical spacecraft combat at the national Rutram Academy high school! Why must I start from the bottom soldier rank?!”

“Like I said, mercenary guild ranks are based on contributions. Combat ability alone doesn’t determine your rank!”

Alphonse Zeistol was explaining in a strong tone to a young nobleman who seemed to be a newbie.

He’s probably exactly as Uncle Roans said, the son of a noble who voluntarily joined the rebels, but the father divorced and disowned the family so they wouldn’t be implicated if he failed.

Then the rebellion failed. The father was imprisoned and assets and status seized. Now the son has to earn his own keep.

When nobles have their peerage seized, the actions of the wife and children split into a few types:

  1. Realize they’ve become commoners and work diligently. The best outcome but extremely rare I bet.
  2. Can’t shake feeling like nobility but try to work properly. This guy at the counter. Better than nothing that he’s trying to support himself.
  3. Can’t abandon noble pride and refuse to work. The worst, they readily turn pirate and raid without qualm.
  4. Impose on mother’s family, acquainted nobles, acquainted commoners. Here it depends whether they’re temporarily relying on others to become type 1 or 2, or fully freeloading as type 3.
  5. Feel unable to live and commit suicide. Maybe happened long ago, but not sure if there’s any now.

Then for those who choose 1 or 2, becoming a mercenary is one option.

And in the job listings Uncle Roans brought out, there were several names of former nobles it seems who picked 3 and started piracy.

“More than I expected…but a lot huh.”

“They were suppressed since the last Empress’s time. No wonder they have stress built up.”

“And their stress relief methods are murder called ‘punishing rudeness’, plunder called ‘offering’, and kidnapping-abduction-confinement called ‘service’. It’s awful.”

The list had nearly 50 names and crimes in under 10 days since the rebels were defeated.

And this is just what’s been reported, so the actual numbers are surely higher.

I checked for reports around the Pout sector where Planet Ytts is, and Saneca sector where Planet Tabl is.

Tabl has a mercenary guild too of course, but it’s my parents’ home planet, so of course I’d be concerned.

Fortunately no reports from Saneca sector, but many sightings in Pout sector.

“Then how about this one?”

“Former Countess Hotchkold and her son huh. Many sightings near Planet Negora in Pout sector.”

I picked a former noble that seemed to have the least damage among them.

TLNOTE : If you enjoyed this novel and want to read more, I’ve started translating another work by the same author titled: “[Snail] – The Cargo-Passenger Ship Operations Log.” Please check it out!

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