Mob No. 85: [Thus, I will annihilate you all as the cause.]
The sudden preliminary battle ended, all allied forces withdrew to the colony region for rest.
But not leisurely resting at the colony, waiting on standby in our ships after resupplying.
With possibility of enemy detachments or ambushes anytime, vigilant guard is only natural.
The rebels likely retreated near planet Gatohaga’s orbital line for similar rest.
I use the time to activate the newly loaded radar, comparing the map from Gonzalez to the actual terrain.
That purchased map marked various fortress colonies about due to the nearby borders, even precisely noting the locations of decommissioned old colonies and hulks awaiting dismantling left adrift.
Checking it diligently, a reaction appears somewhere unmarked on the map.
Examined closely, around 180 million km from planet Gatohaga floats something akin to a mobile orbital fortress satellite unnoted on the map.
Since it’s absent from Gonzalez’s map, it was either an ultra classified military or illegal private construction but considering the 7th Fleet patrolling here until just before the uprising left it be, likely a military one.
Brigadier General Ahlyhenge surely didn’t overlook its existence so no need to worry. I set it to trigger an alert if anything happens that direction just in case.
Six hours after initiating our break, advance orders arrive to resume combat.
The rebels left Gatohaga’s orbital line, preparing to intercept us.
Both sides array opposite like before, gradually closing the distance.
Just then, a transmission comes simultaneously to all allied ships from the Empress’s flagship.
[Officers and soldiers, the sudden earlier battle was trying. Fortunate our side’s casualties stayed low. However the real battle starts now. I pray for your valor. Thankfully Supreme Commander General Breskin permitted me, a combat novice, to give the first order.
Giving this order becomes definite proof of me taking arms against my people, albeit villainous ones.
Yet I cannot let atrocities against innocent citizens and retainers go unpunished!]
Her expression was dignified yet beautiful.
Soon the enemy rebels close within engagement range and at that point,
[All ships, ready weapons. Target front enemy forces. …Fire!]
Beams rain on the rebels at Her Majesty’s order.
The enemy obviously anticipated as much, deploying barriers, evading, counter firing, closing distance while attacking – basic responses, turning it into the battlefield I’m familiar with.
I descend slightly, entering below the enemy group with my wingman, nearly at the rearmost yet still advancing. When our allied ships visually obstruct me, I accelerate away from the combat zone.
Of course my position gets revealed immediately with their radars. But focus on combat naturally narrows vision. The area below your own craft especially tends to be neglected. I’ll execute a tactic exploiting that.
Properly an aerial tactic for planet-side, rather reckless at that, but I refined it for space combat.
It entails approaching below the enemy crafts and attacking from their underside after some distance.
Spiral upwards attacking while moving to impact a wide area.
Called it [Anti Aircraft Ambush] since it targets upturned bellies like planetside anti air weapons.
Success means immediately leaving the battlefield, turning back once separated to finish them off – that’s the basics.
This can gain advantage in group battles.
Ambush success baits some to give chase in anger. Naturally exposing their underside to allies for easy shooting down.
Can’t reuse it on the same unit continuously but it throws the enemy into disarray.
However, some may recognize this [Anti Aircraft Ambush] for the retreat it seems, yelling [Coward!] and friendly firing.
So best used right as chaos breaks out or amidst it to avoid detection.
Fortunately no ally complaints here.
Reaching under the enemy, spiralling upwards I down three ships, angered pursuers get shot down by allies.
Good initial results but the battle just started.
To survive, every usable means must be utilized, scorned or called cowardly.
After all, die and it’s game over, whatever you’re labelled.
Separate Rebel Fleet Side: Third Party POV
The rebel – or revolutionaries in their view – grand fleet approaches the imperial capital Hein in high spirits as their representative, Marquess Levierto Barrenton, gives an address.
[My friends! As the empire’s proper, esteemed nobles by lineage and history! We visit heavenly punishment on the current empress scorning nobility and favoring commoners, seizing the throne for our own legitimate noble hands!]
Marquess Levierto Barrenton is elated by the situation.
A rural territory bumpkin like himself could get promoted and central land if this revolution succeeds, perfectly sensible to revel.
Most of all, he held utter confidence this would absolutely succeed.
[And most of all, we have a stalwart ally!]
At his words, a projection appears.
The projected man is the previous previous emperor’s younger brother, previous emperor’s uncle, and current empress’s grand-uncle – Duke Altisurto Bingil Ovarth.
[My friends. Thank you for gathering. You all harbor discontent towards the current Empress, my niece Amelia Franourd Ovarth, and worry over the empire’s current state, which I understand and welcome.]
The duke’s words grandly excite the proper nobles like Marquess Barrenton.
The duke continues speaking.
[Rightfully, imperial citizens and colonial citizens should loyally work, revere their superiors, and gladly offer their wealth. However, this is not presently occurring. I believe it entirely due to the empress’s successive blunders. And I hesitate not at all to eliminate the cause and effects from them.]
As the duke raises his hand, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th of the 12 Central Suppression Forces remaining at the capital appear behind the fleet.
The nobles cheer at the sight.
With the allied Duke commanding so many Central Forces, the revolution’s success seems assured to them.
But the duke’s next words instantly freeze their joyful expressions.
[Thus, I will annihilate you all as the cause.]
That instant, danger alarms blare from all revolutionary ships.
Separate Rebel Fleet Side: To be continued
TLNOTE : If you enjoyed this novel and want to read more, I’ve started translating another work by the same author titled: “[Snail] – The Cargo-Passenger Ship Operations Log.” Please check it out!
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So he’s cleaning up for his grand niece; probably because her rule was too soft handed.