Mob No. 84: [Frightened and fleeing, worthless mercenaries! Onward! Display the valor of my Mantas viscount family! All ships, charge!]
Amid that standby, fire from some enemy ships towards our central forces is confirmed, seemingly the trigger for combat initiating everywhere. Immediately,
[Mercenary units remain as-is, advance, and engage the enemy. Once you deal some damage, withdraw immediately at this side’s signal. Ships needing supplies should resupply then. Others accompany them, reverse again at the signal, and attack the enemy ships.]
Orders to [lure them out] it seems.
[Luring out] is where we first attack, then when the opponent counters, feign fright and retreat.
When they chase us overconfident, the waiting ambush units strike them – it’s one team tactic.
Unless enraging or extremely artful baiting, this rarely works.
But it differs against simpletons or tactically ignorant foes.
The 11th Fleet ambushers have stealth functions apparently, deploying while we mercs attack.
Anyway we advance and strike as ordered.
Beams fly, flashes of destroyed or barrier-bounced vessels spark about.
A beam passes beside me, the shockwave of its explosion reverberating.
Mere minutes subjectively but orders arrive to withdraw and disengage.
Low fuel units urgently pull back.
Seeing that, an enemy commander yells something like,
[Frightened and fleeing, worthless mercenaries! Onward! Display the valor of my Mantas viscount family! All ships, charge!]
And advances his fleet.
The rebels even have family crests for easy identification.
Giving your foe intel seems tactically and strategically unwise to me but, it’s advantageous for our side.
Well, our 11th Fleet flagships have unit numbers too so it’s similar I guess.
With the Mantas Viscount’s forces separated from allies, 11th Fleet CO Brigadier General Meilings Ahlyhenge orders:
[Fools… Ambush units, open fire in unison. Mercenary units, reverse and attack the enemy ships. Don’t pursue deserters! Don’t get hit by friendly fire!]
Hundreds of beams streak through space as ships explode.
Said not to chase deserters but no fleeing in this situation.
Eliminating the stuck out enemy,
[11th Fleet will advance into the enemy’s gap now. Mercenary units return to resupply in order as the initial parties get back. Returned units rejoin the main forces.]
Currently we Ytts mercs are third among the five planets’ worth under the 11th Fleet.
Feels wrong idly standing by as they advance despite resupplying first but, considering fuel and beam depletion, only obediently awaiting our turn.
Soon the refueled guys return, tailing the 11th Fleet.
Our turn comes and after resupply per supply ship instructions, we advance towards the 11th Fleet.
Naturally all forces should move in tidy formation, acting concertedly but currently each force independently engaged, creating considerable chaos.
The trigger being some rebel ships firing first.
Seems trivial but that can decide battle outcomes, which is frightening.
The rebels likely didn’t expect this situation either.
Brigadier General Ahlyhenge surely understands such factors in his orders.
Catching up then following his direction – go right, left, up or down, we relatively safely take down enemies.
We’re hit but no one’s space dust yet.
But combat means fuel and ammo expenditure, running out turns you to space dust. Barely escaping enemy encirclement at that brink here.
They seem equally if not more exhausted and damaged, not pursuing us.
And withdrawing somewhat safely,
[All ships proceed to the resupply colony. Damaged ones to the repair colony. The enemy likely retreats to near the planet’s orbital line.
Remain on standby ready to sortie after colony arrival until further orders.]
About 3 hours since the sudden rebel barrage.
Survived somehow.
Far from over of course, no dropping guard yet.
Brigadier General Ahlyhenge’s direction was a huge survival factor though I believe.
Seemed intent on minimizing friendly casualties.
Would show no mercy when needing attrition I bet…
Separate Rebel Fleet Side: Third Party POV
When combat began in the Gatohaga region, numerous fleets bound for the imperial capital Hein were present as well.
Despite martial law for all besides the military, police, and mercenaries, meaning nobles and commoners restricted.
Entirely private soldier groups led by nobles, with a certain goal heading for the capital.
What is their purpose coming to the capital?
To capture the Empress and occupy the imperial capital. Then secure associated interests and rights. In short, they were rebel splinter forces.
One among them, Baron Ores Krumlefs, was part of a fleet with one large combat ship, four medium combat ships, and only remote bombardment ships otherwise, along with private soldiers and his family aboard, bound for the capital in a large convoy fleet under orders from Marquess Levirto Barrenton whom his family had been indebted to for seven generations.
His territory planet Ruba was quite remote, requiring considerable expense to come here.
He’d rather not be present originally but couldn’t defy the orders of Marquess Barrenton, indebted for seven generations back.
Otherwise his territory’s interests and people’s lives might be threatened by the marquess.
Others likely unwillingly dragged here for similar entanglements surely exist in multitudes as well.
And of course many gleefully participating in contrast.
In the large combat ship’s captain quarters, two figures are present.
“Dear, will you truly turn your bow on Her Majesty the Empress?”
“I’ve no choice. Orders of the esteemed Marquess Barrenton indebted to us. Success should also benefit my territory…”
Baron Ores Krumlefs answers his wife Arelia as if convincing himself.
Her husband’s reply openly angers wife Arelia.
“You call it obligation but it was 150 years past! And wasn’t it confirmed an arranged scheme by their side!?
Even if not deliberately schemed, isn’t it only used to demand unreasonable things!?
Considering that, let’s petition Her Majesty! She will surely heed our appeal!”
Arelia excitedly proposes this to her husband.
But the baron deeply sighs before recounting the reason for his resignation.
“For me, a mere baron, to meet Her Majesty requires submitting an audience request, passing numerous screenings, then waiting your turn before finally being granted audience.
In the past this was attempted twice. Once by my grandfather, his audience request was rejected. My ancestors met the same result apparently.
Then after receiving the rejection notice, all manner of inexplicable disasters befell my territory. As if coordinated…”
Understanding the cause of those disasters from her husband’s account, the wife is left speechless.
At that time, the brilliant imperial capital planet Hein comes into view before their ship.
Separate Rebel Fleet Side: End
TLNOTE : If you enjoyed this novel and want to read more, I’ve started translating another work by the same author titled: “[Snail] – The Cargo-Passenger Ship Operations Log.” Please check it out!
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