Romelia Senki Volume 2 Chapter 2 part 5

“The primary objective is to avoid combat. If a punitive force appears, the unit will split into smaller groups and escape. They will regroup at predetermined locations and continue to destroy trade routes and attack settlements. This will be executed against the six nations the army has invaded. It will deplete the humans’ resources.”
Gyami outlined his plan.
Certainly, it seemed like a good harassment tactic. It wouldn’t be a decisive blow, but it could delay the humans’ counteroffensive.
“But even if we infiltrate, which unit do you propose to send?”
Ganis pointed out that they had no suitable unit for such a mission.
Infiltrating enemy territory came with no guarantee of survival. If Gyami’s tactics were followed, the unit would split into small groups and regroup at designated locations. The commanders leading these units needed high independence and advanced tactical execution abilities. Only a seasoned elite unit could carry out such a mission.
“We need to buy time, but using our elite forces for that would be counterproductive,”
Ganis shook his head.
Using elite troops to buy time would defeat the purpose of strengthening their forces.
“I understand. That is why I’ve called this meeting. I seek permission to open the prison of Dalian for this mission.”
Gyami’s words caused an uproar in the conference room. The gathered leaders were buzzing, and some even gasped in fear.
“Open the Dalian prison! Do you mean to release General Geldova? Do you understand how dangerous that is?”
Ganis stood up, unable to tolerate the idea out of sheer shock and anger.
The Demon King’s continental invasion army was meant to expand the demon realm but also to distance potential rebels from the homeland.
Especially Geldova, imprisoned in Dalian, was a man even the Demon King struggled with. Releasing him could bring the flames of war to Lowburn.
“Of course, I understand the danger. I was the one who captured General Geldova.”
Gyami’s words left Ganis speechless.
Three years ago, when rumors of the Demon King’s death spread, Gyami was the first to act, arresting troublemakers.
Gyami moved swiftly, capturing Geldova and his associates before they could plan a rebellion, incarcerating most of them. Had Gyami been slower, Lowburn might have fallen to Geldova. Gyami understood Geldova’s threat better than anyone.
“Yes, they are dangerous, but they are also capable of executing infiltration tactics.”
Gyami valued the skill of those he had captured despite their danger.
“Indeed, they are elite. But isn’t this too risky?”
“It is dangerous, but we cannot afford internal strife among demons now. And we cannot keep them locked up forever. If humans attack and they escape, it will be a disaster. Better to use them and drive them out of Lowburn. They were exiled from the homeland; let’s put them to use.”
Gyami demonstrated cold efficiency.
Ganis couldn’t understand why Gyami was so confident. It was said that Gyami himself was the most feared and exiled troublemaker by the Demon King.
Ganis glared at Gyami.
Using fellow exiles as pawns. This man was indeed dangerous. To him, there was no distinction between enemy and ally; all were mere components to create situations.
Ganis wanted to kill this man, the greatest threat, immediately. But to navigate this crisis, he had to rely on him.
“Fine. We’ll open the Dalian prison as you suggest.”
“Haha, I am deeply grateful for your wise decision.”
Gyami bowed theatrically.
The gesture was both respectful and insincere. Ganis felt a pang of self-pity.
Despite ruling Lowburn and being near the top of the Demon King’s army, he was following the advice of a much lower-ranking individual. Hating and fearing Gyami, yet relying on him, unable to kill him. How pathetic.
“But Gyami, will they listen to you? General Geldova hates you.”
Ganis remembered the face of the demon imprisoned in the Dalian prison.
Geldova was the only one capable of carrying out infiltration tactics. However, it was Gyami who had thrown Geldova into prison. Ganis doubted that Geldova would obediently follow the orders of the man who had captured him.
“Don’t worry. I’ve asked someone else to handle the negotiations.”
Ganis had a suspicion about the man Gyami was hinting at.
Currently, there were almost no powerful generals left in Loban. But that didn’t mean there were none at all. One extraordinary warrior remained, a man who could even be called a demon king.
“So, where is he?”
“Well, who knows? I did ask him to attend this meeting, though.”
As Ganis questioned him, Gyami glanced at the oversized chair in the conference room.
The man who should have been sitting there was nowhere to be seen.
Just then, the conference room door suddenly burst open, and a soldier, out of breath, rushed in.
“Emergency! Lord Garios has opened the Dalian prison!”
Even Gyami was shocked by this dreadful news.


Hearing the soldier’s report, Ganis immediately led a force of five thousand troops to the Dalian prison.
The Dalian prison held about two thousand prisoners. Although Ganis’s forces outnumbered them, they couldn’t afford to be careless. The prisoners, including Geldova and his subordinates, were all elites. The hastily assembled five thousand troops were hardly reassuring.
Ganis rode his horse to the massive cylindrical prison built on the outskirts of Loban and led his soldiers in. He expected to find the guards slaughtered and the area drenched in blood. However, an astonishing scene awaited him in the square in front of the prison.
“What… what is this?!”
Ganis could only gasp in shock. In the prison square, a feast was underway.
The freed prisoners were drinking and laughing, sharing barrels of alcohol. Even the guards, who should have been protecting the prison, were part of the revelry. Laughter echoed from all around, and arm wrestling and other contests of strength were taking place.
As Ganis and his fully armed troops stood dumbfounded, a particularly loud voice rang out amid the chaos. Looking in the direction of the thunderous laughter, Ganis saw a colossal figure.
Sitting there, still enormous despite being seated, was Garios, the one who had opened the Dalian prison.
“Lord Garios! What is the meaning of this?”
“Oh, Ganis!”
As Ganis approached Garios, who was drinking from a barrel, the perpetrator greeted him cheerfully.
“What’s the matter? Care for a drink? Join us!”
Despite seeing Ganis and his troops fully armed, Garios nonchalantly offered them alcohol.
“Uh, no, thank you,”
Ganis stammered, unable to refuse the offered drink and accepting the cup.
Garios was the younger brother of the late demon king, and his status was higher than that of Ganis and even the demon king’s army. Yet, despite his noble birth, he was known for his ability to get along with everyone, which, combined with his immense size, gave him a unique charm.
“Hey, Geldova. It’s okay if they join us, right?”
Galios looked ahead and saw a giant demon tribe holding up a sake cup.
where a large demon with a reddish-bronze complexion, scars covering his body, and a battle-worn appearance raised his cup. This demon was Geldova, the strongest prisoner in Dalian prison.
Seeing Geldova, Ganis gripped his spear tightly. Geldova also shifted, ready to rise, holding his cup.
There was a moment of tension. But, to Ganis’s surprise, it was Geldova who first relaxed.
“Hmph, I won’t fight. After all, it’s Lord Garios who freed us.”
Geldova sat back down and drank from his cup. Though a rogue, he showed respect for Garios.
“What? No fight? If you were going to fight, I would have taken you both on.”
Garios’s candid words addressed the two who had stopped fighting.
Despite leading five thousand soldiers and facing Geldova, who had once rebelled against the demon king, Garios not only didn’t back down but laughed.
But this wasn’t mere bravado. If Garios was serious, he might defeat everyone present. His power was acknowledged by the demon king, making him the strongest man in the demon king’s army. With the demon king gone, Garios, by blood and ability, was the most suitable successor.
“As expected of Lord Garios. We can’t win against you. If you become king, I’ll join your ranks.”
Geldova showed respect towards Garios. Ganis also looked at Garios.
Even the ambitious Geldova recognized Garios’s strength. This man was undoubtedly the only one who could unite the demon king’s army. However—

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