Misunderstood Saintly Life Volume 4 Chapter 1 part 3

As I passed through the gate, a carriage was waiting.
According to the original plan, I’m supposed to board this carriage and return directly to the Vellet domain.
Normally, I would return to the castle and attend parties for several days, but His Majesty King Anbarld, considering my injury, has graciously exempted me from all of that this time.
This is a huge help.
I’m already troubled by pain, so I don’t want to accumulate any new stress. …Well, I’ve already experienced more than enough stomach pain.
“…This is certainly tiring.”
“Good work, Lord Ouga.”
Alice, who was waiting next to the carriage, wiped the sweat from my forehead.
She will accompany me as my maid, taking care of me and acting as a guard during the journey.
Of course, in addition to her, the self-defense force of the Vellet domain, hired by Father and including people like Aliban, was also leading horses surrounding the carriage.
“…Wait a minute.”
I can’t help but voice my thoughts. There’s someone who was cheering for me in the royal capital earlier…
“Aliban… When did you get here?”
“What are you talking about?! Where there’s Lord Ouga, there’s Aliban! That’s how it is!”
“I see. …I see…”
I decided to ignore it, thinking it would be pointless to consider it deeply.
Behind him, there are other familiar faces. It seems Aliban’s subordinates have all joined the self-defense force without exception.
“Excuse me, Lord Ouga. Please, come inside.”
Alice says a word before getting into the carriage first, then takes my hand.
It’s probably a precaution to prevent me from falling in case of any mishap, given that my right arm is injured. Arms are important for maintaining body balance.
I should be grateful for her thoughtfulness.
“Heh… This makes me feel like a princess.”
But right now, it’s a bit unsatisfying.
I might not have minded before, but the relationship between you and me has already changed.
“Put your arm around my neck, Alice.”
“Lord Ou– Eep!”
I pulled her hand that I had grabbed in reverse, and naturally, she fell towards me.
Alice, trusting my words, didn’t even try to break her fall and put her arm around my neck. Just before she completely lost her balance, I reached for her bottom and lifted her up.
“You’re light, Alice. I could lift you with just one arm.”
“L-Lord Ouga! P-please put me down! If something were to happen to your body…!”
“While I appreciate your concern, you know very well that I haven’t been trained in a way that would be affected by something like this. Or have you forgotten our days of special training together, Alice?”
“…That way of putting it is somewhat unfair, isn’t it?”
“Kukukuku! I’m joking, just joking. I know Alice remembers our time together clearly.”
If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have been able to respond to my call when she was under Andraus’s mind control.
The precious time I spent with Alice gave me the strength to stand up until the end, and allowed me to reach her soul with my voice.
I carried Alice in my arms like a princess as we entered the carriage.
As I sat down, I realized this was indeed a carriage prepared by His Majesty the King.
The spaciousness of the interior and the comfort of the seats were all exceptional.
While it might be a bit too lavish for my taste, I suppose such decorations are necessary for social occasions.
“You may proceed,”
“Yes, sir! Understood!”
About a minute after I closed the door and gave the order, the carriage slowly began to move.
I must add, the ride quality is quite different as well.
This should make Mashiro’s motion sickness a bit more bearable.
“Um… Lord Ouga. How long am I going to stay like this…” Alice asked.
“Naturally, until I’m satisfied,”
Saying that, I buried my face in Alice’s neck.
Perhaps nervous from being carried like a princess, her body temperature was slightly elevated, and a faint sweat had formed.
“L-Lord Ouga… such behavior… please, show some restraint…”
“Won’t you indulge your master a little after he’s completed an unfamiliar duty?”


There was no verbal response, but Alice’s arms tightened around me, increasing our closeness.
Surely her cheeks must be flushed red from this unfamiliar situation.
I’m the type of man who treads carefully until I’m certain, but once I’m convinced that [she definitely likes me], I become quite aggressive.
Perhaps due to the influence of mistakenly remaining a virgin in my previous life, I’ve developed a strong tendency towards caution.
That’s why I’ve been engaging in more intimate skinship with Alice, who directly expressed her desire to become my wife, compared to the others.
You could say that the sexual desires I’ve been suppressing until now have been released.
I think to myself that I’m refreshingly pathetic, but this is the kind of life I’ve always wanted!
My long-awaited springtime has finally arrived! How could I not lose control?
If anything, I’m still holding back even now.
I know that Alice is wearing a sarashi under her clothes, and hasn’t yet revealed her true chest.
I want to gently free it right now and grasp it with my own hands.
But I mustn’t rush. After all, my ultimate goal is a harem lifestyle.
If I give in to my desires too much here, I might end up creating a hierarchy between Alice and Mashiro and the others. I believe that avoiding such favoritism is the key to a happy harem life for everyone.
So, for now, I’m only engaging in this level of skinship with Alice.
I believe that the self-control that has kept me from going further until now will allow me to endure.
Besides… I had a feeling that the time for me to take the next step was drawing near.
After a few minutes of what could be called “Alice-sucking” rather than cat-sucking,
I finally decided that we couldn’t stay like this forever and gently set her down beside me.
The soft “Ah…” that escaped her lips, tinged with reluctance, tugged at my heartstrings, but I managed to follow through.
Perhaps sensing my thoughts, this time Alice extended an invitation.
“Lord Ouga. It will be a long journey to Velvet territory. How about resting here?”
Alice patted her lap invitingly.
Knowing how pleasant her lap pillow is, I didn’t even pretend to hesitate.
“You’re right, Alice. It will likely be nightfall by the time we reach the estate. May I borrow your lap?”
“Of course, my lord.”
Since launching her preemptive marriage proposal attack via letter, Alice had become much more assertive in expressing her opinions.
Before, she would have refrained from making such suggestions out of consideration for Mashiro and Karen.
In essence, I was now being pampered by a beautiful older sister figure.
This is significant. Being pampered is essential in life.
It’s absolutely impossible to keep running without taking breaks. You’d break down halfway.
I let out a sigh as I finally reached this haven of rest.
And I, too, had become able to show my vulnerable side to Alice.
“…Alice. I want to praise myself for taking you with me that day.”
“I feel the same way. I can proudly say that my decision to follow you, Lord Ouga, was the right one.”
Alice is smiling beyond the lower half of my field of vision, which is occupied by her impressive chest.
Although the outcome has greatly deviated from my initial intentions when I recruited her, the results have exceeded my expectations.
Back then, I never imagined a future where Alice would be offering me her lap as a pillow…
“Lord Ouga. …May I touch you here?”
“Yes, but be gentle. You’re quite strong, Alice.”
“Fufu, of course. Then, if you’ll excuse me…”
Having received my permission, Alice gently touched my immobilized right arm through the fabric.
The pain in my arm only comes sporadically now, and as long as there’s no strong impact, it’s not a problem.
Since realizing this, she has been massaging my right arm almost every day.
At first, Alice’s expression when touching my arm was so pained that it was difficult for me to watch.
Seeing her face, filled with such intense determination as if wishing she could take on my arm’s pain herself, I felt I had to say something. So I told her:
[Men are simple creatures, so seeing Alice’s usual beautiful face rather than such a pained expression would speed up my recovery.]
When I said it, I was aware of how embarrassing it sounded, but I didn’t mind as long as it stopped Alice from blaming herself.
Besides, I’ve experienced far more embarrassing things in my previous life.
My words seemed to reach her, as Alice never showed that pained expression again after that.
“…Is something the matter?”
“No, I was just admiring your beautiful face.”
“If my face can lift your spirits, Lord Ouga, then by all means… Would you like to sleep now?”
That would be nice, but… right now, I want to burn this scenery into my memory.
Alice’s gentle smile and her incredibly impressive southern hemisphere.
“No, falling asleep here would disrupt my sleep schedule. So, please keep me company in conversation to keep me awake.”
However, still unable to express that desire straightforwardly, I deflected.
“Let’s see… I’d like to hear about Alice’s past that I don’t know about.”
“Certainly. Then I’ll do my best to entertain you, Lord Ouga. This is a story from when I was in the Holy Knight Order, about the time I was experimenting to see how close I could get a hand chop to match the sharpness of a sword…”
It already sounds interesting…
Alice is probably the only one who would try such a ridiculous experiment. Perhaps that’s why we get along so well, as I too have repeatedly done things that society would consider foolish.
Since meeting her and spending time training together, I’ve come to understand that we’re aiming for the same pinnacle.
I then listened intently to Alice’s fascinating story.
The time I spent with her in the carriage was truly enjoyable.

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