Commoner-Origin Officer Volume 1 Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 5: The Duchy of Diode

The Argeid Fortress in the Duchy of Diode was renowned as impregnable. First, it was protected by magical barriers that rendered projectile weapons useless.
Additionally, it was guarded by a legion of heavily armored soldiers known as the “Strong Armor Guards,” stationed at the fortress gates to block any frontal assault.
The armor used by these soldiers was made of Madoma Steel, a material exclusive to the Duchy of Diode, boasting the 10th lightest and 15th strongest properties on the continent.
“It’s an unbeatable defense, isn’t it?”
murmured General Gizaal, the commander of the Duchy’s forces, as he idly stretched and yawned in his quarters, running his fingers through his short, blonde hair.
“Please, sir, don’t even think about confronting the Empire,”
pleaded Landoble, the captain of the palace guard, his sharp gaze piercing the general.
“But if that’s the case, then I wouldn’t even be here,”
“You were banished, so there’s nothing you can do about it,”
“I couldn’t help getting angry at that incompetent minister,”
“It’s a good thing you’re here, then. Otherwise, the fortress would be taken,” Landoble sighed.
“Ugh, I’m so bored. I almost wish the Empire would attack,”
“Please, don’t say such inauspicious things,” Landoble replied, shaking his head.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
“General Gizaal, we’ve received a confidential request to meet with an Imperial lieutenant,” the messenger announced.
Hearing this, the young, blonde-haired general immediately stood up.
“A betrayal?”
“Or perhaps a trap,”
“Regardless, I’m going to meet them,”
“Are you sure, General?”
“I’m bored. Sitting here will drive me mad,”
Landoble sighed, knowing he couldn’t dissuade the general.
“The meeting is at the Gabatao Trading Company’s office,” the messenger added.
“What? Isn’t that an Imperial military supplier?”
“Yes, it does seem a bit odd as a trap,” Landoble agreed.
” …… “
Gizaal contemplated the situation, stroking his chin.
“Something is happening within. Alright, I’ll go, but I’m not taking any escorts,”
“Please, at least let me arrange a few men to accompany you,”
“Who here can match me?”
“Well, …… Yes, but…”
General Gizzal is the most powerful man in the Duchy of Diode. Landoble believes that he will be promoted to the rank of general in the near future.
Landoble reluctantly agreed, knowing the general’s prowess was unmatched in the duchy.
Three days later, Gizaal arrived at the Gabatao Trading Company’s office, with only Landoble and a few others accompanying him in secret.
“Thank you for your patience. Let me show you around.”
The friendly merchant greeted them and led them to a room, where a nervous-looking officer was waiting.
“This is Lieutenant Mospitza of the 4th Company, 2nd Battalion,”
“I’m General Gizaal. I don’t have much time, so let’s get to the point,” Gizaal said, studying the lieutenant’s demeanor.
Mospitza then revealed that in a month, the forces of Baron Mihshil would be gathering at the northern Garua Fortress to attack the Argeid Fortress. He provided copies of correspondence as evidence.
” …… “
Gizaal observed Mospitza carefully, scrutinizing his character. If it was true, it was a major issue, but if it was a lie, they would be misled by false information.
“What evidence do you have?”
“Here are copies of the letters exchanged.”
Among the handed documents were details of internal information and the names of those involved.
“…Understood. I’ll compare this with our intelligence department’s records. But as a lieutenant, you’re an officer, aren’t you? Why betray the Empire?”
In terms of the current situation, the Empire was dominant. In national power, status, and the quality of personnel, the Empire far surpassed the Duchy of Diode. The nervous-looking man had an unnaturally bald head. He muttered like a sleepwalker, gnawing at his nails.
“It’s all because of that upstart Second Lieutenant Hazen,”
“Second Lieutenant? “
Not just any second lieutenant. He made us sign a ceasefire agreement with the Kumin tribe.
” …… “
Gizaal and Landoble exchanged glances, surprised that a junior officer could wield such influence within the military.
After reviewing more evidence, it became clear that this was indeed an act of treason.
In fact, it is extremely obvious to the naked eye, but with all these documents, it should not take long to check their integrity.
“If the information is true, I’ll attack the Imperial fortress. What’s in it for me?” Gizaal asked.
“The lives of Captain Lorenzo and Lieutenant Hazen. Please, make sure to eliminate them,” Mospitza replied.
” …… Okay. “
Most likely, the empire planned to attack the fortress after Mishil was dispatched. However, Gizaal had no intention of letting the territory be taken so easily.
“Then, the negotiation is settled.”
Lieutenant Mospitza smiled, and Gizaal smiled back.


A few days later, while Gizaal was relaxing in his room on the bed, Landoble of the Royal Guards entered.
“The information has been verified. It seems Duchess Mihshil’s forces are indeed heading this way. We’ve also detected increased activity between the Kumin territories and the Empire, suggesting a ceasefire agreement has been reached,” Landoble reported.
“It’s decided then. Immediately, we’ll hold an emergency meeting. Gather the senior officers!”
Gizal leaped up from his bed, issuing instructions in a crisp, clear voice. His previously sluggish demeanor was now a lie. For this man, anything other than the battlefield was mere boredom. Battle was the only thing that set his blood afire.
Thirty minutes later, five senior officers had gathered in the command room. In the Duchy of Diode, each army corps had its own commander under the general. There was the cavalry commander Nidel, the heavy infantry commander Zonan, the archer commander Konahawan, the infantry commander Noyudata, and the overall military coordinator, the Guard Commander Landoble.
“I’m glad you all gathered. It’s time for battle.”
Zonan, the heavy infantry commander, questioned.
“We’ll attack the Empire’s fortress. Get ready immediately.”
“B-Before that, could you please explain? Why are we suddenly discussing such a matter?”
The tone was accusatory, but Gizal remained unfazed. Instead, Landoble, the Guard Commander, hurriedly provided an explanation.
“My apologies, I didn’t explain the situation fully.”
“No, it’s not your fault, Guard Commander Landoble.”
“That’s right! You’re not to blame.”
“Gizal General! Isn’t it because you didn’t explain properly!?”
“Oh, was that the case? Haha!”
Gizal let out a hearty laugh, and Zonan sighed. The other three officers besides Landoble and Nidel were not too familiar with the general. However, they had learned over the past month that his instructions tended to be broad and forceful.
“Landoble. Inquire with the homeland and summon 50,000 troops, General Bezrail, and General Ganadraal.”
“Such a large military force…you say it so casually.”
“I’m not saying it casually. I’m saying it because it’s you.”
General Bezrail was the mightiest warrior in the Duchy of Diode. In terms of pure skill, Mîshil was superior, but for a defensive battle, Bezrail could match her. First, they would capture the Empire’s fortress, and then defend it there.
The Empire’s main army would arrive in a month. It would take over 10 days to reach the fortress from the Duchy’s capital. They were a bit late, but thanks to the terrain, they could catch up. This way, Mîshil would have to give up on recapturing the fortress. Gizal was a true military man. If the Empire was relying on Mîshil, he would counter with an even greater force.
“How shall we deal with the Kumin tribe?”
Zonan, the heavy infantry commander, asked. He was primarily responsible for preparing against potential ambushes around them. So, the existence of these hostile neighbors was a constant concern for him.
However, Gizal answered casually.
“Posting 5,000 should be enough.”
“Will that be sufficient?”
“It will be.”
Gizal stated firmly. The ceasefire agreement was not an alliance. They were not in a cooperative relationship where they would flank the enemy together. After all, they were just a minor tribe. Unless they had already prepared in advance, they would not be able to muster an army larger than ten thousand.
“In 10 days, we’ll raise the army and capture the Empire’s fortress with our full force. Ah, my blood is boiling.”
“Oooooh! Let’s show them what we’re made of!”
Nidel, the cavalry commander, was the one most fired up by Gizal’s words. He was even more bloodthirsty than Gizal. As a cavalry-focused unit, he would effectively be the vanguard when the battle commenced.
Landoble, the Guard Commander, remained calm and analytical amidst the rising excitement.
“However, Lieutenant Hazen’s stratagem ironically backfired, didn’t it?”
“It was an interesting move, but if not for the informant, they might have fallen for it.”
“What kind of man is he?”
“Who knows. But capturing him could be entertaining.”
“Then, what about the promise with this Mospitza fellow?”
“I never intended to keep a promise with such a dishonorable man who would betray his allies.”
For Gizal, Mospitza was an enemy, so he would use him, but if there were such people among his own allies, he would be filled with a disgust and rage.
“What about their forces?”
“Around 30,000. In comparison, we have 50,000.”
“With 10 days until Mîshil’s arrival…it’s doable. There’s also a chance of defection.”
The previous investigations had already provided this analysis. There was a faction within the enemy fortress that was at odds with the commander, Colonel Gedol. Apparently, the other faction was more powerful, and it was unlikely they would be able to coordinate in this emergency situation.

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