Girls I Was Close to Loving Volume 1 Prologue


Let me ask you something—have you ever had a “good vibe” with a girl?
I wouldn’t know.
You can’t decide something like that on your own.
But, if I could judge it purely based on my own feelings, I’d say “yes.”
I’m sure there are plenty of guys who, if allowed to rely entirely on their own perspective, would think they had a “good thing” going with a girl at some point.
But if the next question was, “Did anything progress from there?” then the number of guys who could say yes would shrink drastically.
I’m no different—nothing ever moved forward for me. In fact, it would be fair to say that everything went backwards.
Still, I want a girlfriend.
Even if my grades are bad, I don’t stand out in club activities, or I have no special talents.
Having someone who accepts me for who I am has the power to overturn all of that.


However, by the time you’re in high school, you can’t help but notice the truth.
A guy like me—neither good-looking nor talented—has a ridiculously low chance of being confessed to by a girl.
In other words, a “girlfriend” holds the power to change everything, but a guy who has nothing going for him won’t get one unless he makes the first move.
That’s when I thought back to those moments in the past when I felt a good vibe.
What if I wasn’t the only one who thought something was there?
What if I had the courage to make a move back then—would things have been different?
I regret it every time I think about it, because having a “good vibe” is the first hurdle in romance.

Ah, if only…

If I could spend time again with the girls I once had a good vibe with,
maybe even someone like me would still have a chance.
That’s the source of my frustration as a high schooler—me, Ryota Yoshiki.

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