Geek Mob Mercenary Chapter 77

Mob No. 77: “A general purpose combat ship emphasized on defense? That’s pretty tough. Haven’t handled many lately.”

Returning to the ocean city, I immediately went to the repair shop.

Maybe they’d know of or have a ship meeting my needs.

“A general purpose combat ship emphasized on defense? That’s pretty tough. Haven’t handled many lately.”

“Lately it’s all about speed and firepower.”

The shop master and his apprentice-like underling started fretting over my request.

“What were you using before?”

“An Iofus Corps Slitz.”

Heavily modified and part swapped, but the base was a very old general purpose combat ship.

“Oh, one whose production completely halted a while ago huh.”

“Spare parts and engines and stuff were totally phased out recently too.”

“That’s right… Anything similar around?”

“I think the latest catalog had something close…”


The master brought up a large display showing a catalog with 3D renders and specs of various combat ships.

“For your needs… Looks like the Iofus Corps Nordgehleim is it.”

“It’s like the successor to the Slitz. And there’s only 7 types listed emphasizing defense huh.”

“General purpose ones also all focus on speed and firepower now. The solid heavy ones are just leftover niche roles like escorts now.”

The catalog listed 50-200+ types each of balanced, firepower, speed, and gimmick focused ships, but very few defense focused general purpose ones.

Frankly just 7 options is fortunate.

Among them, Iofus Corps’ Nordgehleim is the Slitz’s successor. Looks almost identical externally, slightly larger interior, and specs improved across the board.

Price looks manageable within the compensation budget too.

But one big problem remains.

“You…don’t have it in stock I assume?”

“This place functions as an academic survey base for now. Maybe at big trading planets like Hein or designated administrative ones.”

“I see… My base planet Ytts is a designated administrative one.”

Thanking the master and apprentice, I left the factory.

Recalling I hadn’t reported the incident yet, I promptly called old man Uncle Roans.


“Hi, it’s Uzos.”

[Yo. Something happen?]


I told him everything that occurred.

[I see… A disaster huh. But from your story, if they don’t hold you responsible it should be fine. You really aren’t at fault. Make sure to receive proper compensation.]

Reassuring but simultaneously stoking an unpleasant thought.


“I hope some unreasonable compensation gang doesn’t appear again…”

[Some shifty types around?]

“One who might yeah…”

That female student’s glare crosses my mind.

[Well… Listen, with the job ending soon, leaving the area promptly is best. Oops, work calls here too. Take care.]

Old man Uncle Roans hangs up.

If worst comes to worst, maybe I’ll consult the professor…

Come evening I see off the professors heading to site, ending the day’s work.

Around 7 days remained in the contract period when the incident happened.

4 days solo survival after. Passed out all of the return day.

2 days including today resuming work, meaning the contract expires tomorrow.

I figured asking about a 4 day extension to make up the absent days would be fine, but the original dedicated pilot returned, so I’m undoubtedly getting dismissed.

Apparently he’s quite the hunk and the professor’s senior from school days.

That female student beams at him rather than chomping his head off.

No ill will to the returned pilot but please excuse my resentment.

And the next day.

Finishing the last job, after the professor re-apologizes and comforts me for the turmoil, I receive the compensation – fortunately a hefty sum (9 million credits) – via data from the professor, school, and doctor’s son.

The actual job pay and insurance will come through the guild.

Ideally I’d have left the planet immediately but lacking direct flights from here to Ytts, connections are required. With no more shuttles today, departure is set for tomorrow morning.

Invited to a farewell party tonight, I declined of course.

I can’t converse and that female student terrifies me most of all.

Though thankfully she didn’t call or ambush me at the hotel demanding [Return the compensation!]. Really, thank goodness.

Next morning, after seeing off the professors, I head to the spaceport via orbital elevator and arrive back on Ytts without incident around noon the following day.

First thing upon returning to base is restocking food.

My fridge was emptied being away a month.

Shopping done, I return home, clean up, bathe, have a meal while watching anime.

Relaxing the rest of the night, the next day I went to the mercenary guild.

The usual hubbub, no sign anything happened.

No Ms. Gerhilde either, I breathed easy about that.

Heading to old man Uncle Roans as usual,

“Yo. Rough time huh.”

He greets me cheerfully.

“On that job you introduced me to?”

“Well, not like I could’ve predicted all that happening right?”

“I guess so…”

I chide him but not seriously.

Unforeseen issues can occur on any job, so it’s my own responsibility accepting the request.

Uncle Roans understands this so there’s no need to fret, and he pivots to business.

“So first, your formal pay and the ship insurance money.”

“A pretty hefty sum huh.”

“With the additional compensation, a considerable amount indeed.”

Formal pay was 500k for the month. 250k more from insurance.

Add the compensation, the total is 12 million credits.

Oddly almost the same as the job that prompted me to take this one.

I instinctively glance around but of course no pink head in sight.

Relieved, I receive the pay and insurance via data transfer.

The money situation is resolved but problems remain.

“Main issue now is finding a replacement ship. The catalog had good options but I wonder if local dealers carry them…”

Though a designated administrative planet, no clue if makers stock their unpopular models here on Ytts.

“Well, that’s luck of the draw… Take a good long break searching?”

He seems to pity my recent ordeal.

But too much time off breeds laziness, so I plan to limit it to replenishing the books and data cards I lost.

I’ll take a nice vacation when a doujinshi convention comes around though.

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