Evil Leader Next Door! Volume 1 Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 5: The Great Combination of Love and Courage

One of the three top executives of Cleared, a mastermind behind the development of various weapons using Cleared. Additionally, he created grotesque beings called “monsters” by using Cleared on existing creatures.
He was supposed to be defeated.
“You… should have burned out with my Burning Drive Shoot…!”
Yes, in front of everyone, he was supposed to be consumed by the lethal kick from Red, leaving nothing but ashes. Blue pounded the ground in frustration.
“He wasn’t defeated too!?”
“No, no. Just to save your pride, I was definitely killed. However, a clone was prepared for me. They installed the copy of my consciousness that was saved at the moment of death.”
Blue and I were left dumbfounded by this revelation. It was understandable. I felt the same way.
Ignoring our reactions, Annouard theatrically pointed at himself.
“Of course, hastily made clones are much weaker than the original. I grabbed some research in progress, escaped from the secret base, and it took me this long to get here.”
“This is insane…”
Pink muttered, a sentiment I agreed with.
“Well, you guys too. The Cleared members couldn’t understand this. I wonder why? Because, you see, I live for the pleasure. If the research can continue, that’s good enough.”
(That’s obvious.)
In essence, the original Annouard is already dead. Instead of coming back to life, a new entity with the same memories just appears.
(And, the top executives are servants of Taratatt… spiritual beings, supposed to be of the same kind. Even that must have an impact on it, too.)
They don’t care about their bodies even their core spiritual form didn’t matter. As long as there was someone thinking like him, continuing the research in the same way, that was enough.
But with the appearance of the new Annouard, the monsters also halted their advance. I whispered to Black next to me.
“Anyway, let’s escape.”
“I agree. The situation just got worse.”
Considering the weakened state of the surviving Taratatt and Ashella, it didn’t seem likely that Annouard retained his original strength.
However, the fact remained that a new enemy had been added.
“That’s why it’s troublesome. Running away will lead to something terrible, you know?”
Annouard snapped his fingers. In response, the Shrimp Monster and Mantis Monster trembled,
” ! !”
light leaking from within them. It was the glow of Cleared, flickering and expanding the outline of their bodies.
We recognized this. We had seen it many times before.
“Giant form. ……! “
In an instant, the monsters approached the size of thirty meters.
“Ah…” “No way.”
The shocked voices of Blue and Pink were natural. Until now, the monsters under the new organization—or rather, Annouard’s subordinates—hadn’t turn giant, allowing us to defeat them somehow.
With Milliocolor still under repair, defeating the monster in its giant form required all five of us to be in perfect condition, and it would still be challenging, especially against a monster with super defensive capabilities.
“We can’t win anymore, can we?”
Black’s words, spoken with a heavy sigh, served as the conclusion.
“Why …..!?”
Involuntarily, I shouted at Annouard.
“Monster’s giant form was supposed to be due to the power of Tara—Great Leader. Why can you do it now!?”
Annouard returned a genuinely impressed expression.
“Wow. You figured it out. Well, that’s amazing. Now, remember this. Remember my ability.”
I recalled the data on the top executive, which I had read countless times.
Annouard, the prodigy of Cleared science, capable of mimicking any ability using Cleared.
“…Copying ability, huh?”
I ground my teeth at the realization. After all, his revival method was based on “placing a copy of his own consciousness into a clone.”
In the battles we fought before, he used various Cleared abilities against each one of us. The barriers changed colors one after another, making it a real challenge.
“I can’t do it perfectly now. It degraded, you see. when I put in a new ability, the old one is lost, just like a spinning top.”
Exposing his own weakness, but still, Annouard was smiling. The reason for such a behavior.
“So, I thought I’d just put the strongest ability in.”
“Great Leader Ability!”
Red promptly exclaimed.
“Excellent answer. It took a while to master the giant form.”


(Master the giant form…)
At that moment, something flashed in my mind.
“…Is it the incredible defensive ability of the monsters you sent?”
“Once again, an excellent answer. ──Reaching that from the Great Leader’s ability. Impressive.”
The Leader Officer opened his eyes wide with delight.
“What do you mean? Green.”
They’re all under the influence of the Great Leader’s ability to enhance thought, which he copied.
That’s my guess. I answered Blue’s question.
“Everyone, the first few monsters Annouard sent after the destruction of Cleared had no tricks. They were just monsters with thick armor. But with that, we were implanted with the thought [New organization’s monsters have high defense].”
“…And that thought was strengthened? S-So, that means…”
Black continued Red’s words.
“We were unknowingly attacking in a state where the psychological belief [This attack won’t work] was strengthened.”
They might have had an inkling. When they attempted techniques, their thoughts were dominated by an intensified sense of resignation. That’s why there was no way their attacks would be effective.
“That’s right. As part of practicing to fully utilize my ability, I had them repeat it over and over again.”
Applauding our deduction, Annouard chuckled.
Every time they fought, every time Annouard became more proficient, the effect became exponentially higher.
“On the monsters’ bodies, I’ve added a mechanism to emit my ability towards the target. I call it [Target-oriented Special Armor]. Your belief [the attack won’t work] strengthens with each battle, making it impossible to penetrate their defenses.”
His gaze turned towards me.
“Banshoku Green, except for you.”
“Is it because I realized the effects of [Thought Enhancement]?”
Annouard nodded. If it had been exposed early, Banshokuger Headquarters would have taken countermeasures.
(Cooperate with Taratatt’s research… a move that was delayed. Damn!)
“Also, Green, with your weak attacking power, even if it wasn’t strengthened, it probably wouldn’t matter.”
“Damn it, shut up!”
Keep quiet about that kind of thing.
Seemingly pleased with our understanding, he took in a deep breath.
“Phew… All right. Explanation’s over. Satisfied.”
With our question, Annouard maintained a good-natured smile.
“Well, of course. You guys killed us, crushed the organization, and went through so much trouble to set up this situation, right? I wanted to at least tell everything from the beginning and have you listen.”
Ah, I see, was the impression.
“Now then, it’s about time. Charcoaldy, Tauronus. Finish them off.”
Following the instructions, the giant monsters began to move.
“Roarrrr! Ooooohhhhh!”
A roar and rising crimson flames echoed. With everyone’s gaze focused, Red forcibly straightened his bent arm with a grinding sound.
With a grimacing face, he straightened his arm in the right direction. The pain he must be enduring was unimaginable. Annouard looked slightly disgusted.
“Well done. With that ragged body and almost broken transformation, huh.”
The leader of Banshokuger then spoke without a hint of tremor in his voice.
“My heart is still burning. I won’t allow you to revel in victory before it’s extinguished.”
His determination, the flame of fighting spirit, ignited us. That’s why Red is our leader.
(Even if we get weapons from headquarters, and everyone puts their full strength into it, can we deal with one of the monsters…?)
Even if we understand the mechanism, the effect of [Target-oriented Special Armor] on the four others besides me will not change. We don’t know if the armed forces from Milliocolor can penetrate the defense of those monsters. But, we have to try.
We’ll reduce the enemy’s fighting power as much as we can, and leave the rest to the future Banshokuger.
” ──────────── “
Seeing the faces of my comrades, everyone nodded.
The situation was already dire, pushing us to the brink.
The assumption of our deaths, what lay beyond that…
(Sorry, Ashella… Ah.)
Having thought that far, I suddenly realized something.
Taratat and Annouard. Neither of them was aware of the other’s survival.
If Annouard defeated us and invaded the Banshokuger headquarters, and then met with them again…
“Are those two going to be okay?”
Amidst the approaching giant monsters, Black seemed to have also noticed this concern. He asked while readjusting his sword grip.
However, the answer to that question was already clear in my mind.
“I trust them.”
Of course, in reality, I couldn’t be sure. Taratat had promised to trust me and humans, but she might have a change of heart and stand again as the Cleared Grand Leader.
(But still, I believe.)
That’s because it’s our world, the one that rejected Cleared’s domination.
However, the answer came right after.
The words came first, followed by the light.
Simultaneously, there was a surge of color particles, and then, a roar! And finally, an impact.
“Ugh!” “Whoa!” “Ahh!”
Each of us endured the shock that shook the very air, covering our faces.
As the light and shock subsided, we looked up, trembling.
“T-They’re… the monsters…”
One of the two giants that had been enlarged. The upper body of the mantis—called Turoonus—was cleanly gone. Blown away.
Immediately after, the remaining lower body exploded. All of us were once again exposed to the blast.
“What…? Where…!”

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